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dot com login help plz

Community Member

I'm having trouble login in to my account across multiple platforms. (ios, mac, win10) I can not login to at all. ios phone app is the only one working

I have changed my master password through ios app twice and I still cannot login on

Can someone point me in the direction of tutorial?


1Password Version: ios 7.1.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: dropbox


  • Hi @sswor,

    Do you have a "Primary" vault on the iOS device? If so that would explain the difficulty. If you have at least one standalone vault in 1Password, the password for your first standalone vault (called “Primary”) will unlock 1Password. Changing the Master Password in the app on that device changes the Master Password for the Primary vault on that device only. It does not change your 1Password membership Master Password.

    On the iPhone do you also see a Personal vault? In that vault do you see a login item for That should contain your Master Password for your 1Password account. If you are able to find this please let me know. We should get the Primary vault situation sorted out to avoid future confusion. :)


  • sswor
    Community Member

    You got it. Thanks for your help

  • Great! I'd recommend moving the data from the Primary vault to your Private/Personal vault, and then deleting the Primary vault. When you do so 1Password will unlock using your account password.


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