One time password notifcation setting

Community Member
edited September 2018 in iOS

With Autofill support you need to have notifications enabled for one time password support.

The issue is you end up with a notification in your notification centre that stays until you swipe it away.

I realise In notification settings I can disable it on the lock screen and notification centre.

Is it possible for you to set the notification to be disabled in those areas by default?


  • JuCos
    Community Member


  • @BrokenHope,

    I don't believe there is a way for us to exclude that notification from notification center. The previous TOTP implementation avoided this all together because we were able to keep ourselves alive long enough to do a non-notification center presentation. The short lifespan of the AutoFIll extension means we aren't able to stay alive long enough to dismiss the notification as its currently presented.

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