Imported items don't show up

Community Member

Just purchased 1Password7 and trying to import my 1Password.agilekeychain from a previous version. In the import dialog, I am able to select this file and the program reports to have imported 1418 items (which is the correct number), but nothing shows up after the import. The primary vault, which was the target of the import is completely empty.

Any idea what might be going on? I followed the upgrade instructions for version 3 by dragging the app into the trash, though I really don't think that mattered since they are named differently. I did not delete all the supporting files as was advised in the upgrade instructions. The primary vault is the only vault and is not hidden.

1Password Version: 7.1.2
Extension Version: 4.7.3
OS Version: 10.13.6
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: forum-search:imported items do not show up


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @langrock! I'm sorry for the trouble. The items are indeed there; this is a display issue. Please restart your Mac, and re-open 1Password 7 for Mac. See if that helps.

  • langrock
    Community Member

    Will try, thanks. By now, there are probably a bazillion duplicates since I tried the import a few times ... is there a way to reset the default vault to start fresh?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @langrock - yep! Just click Help > Troubleshooting > Reset all 1Password Data and the next time you launch, you'll be as if you were a new user. Make sure you aren't deleting any newly-added information when you do this!

  • langrock
    Community Member

    Super duper, I'll give that a go. Nothing new added so far and the original keychain is still in my Dropbox folder and intact. Thanks.

  • langrock
    Community Member

    Ok, so after the reset and newly importing from the old keychain I am seeing that there are 1082 items. Yet, during import it showed that 1418 items were added ... is this a display issue or something else? Are there some items that don't get imported?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @langrock - where are you seeing the 1082 figure? The 1418 figure will be EVERYTHING, including attachments, trashed items, etc. Do you have items in the trash? These will not show up in your item count. It's also important to be sure you're looking at All Vaults, All Items -- not any particular category (such as Logins) or only a single vault (obviously, if you only HAVE one vault, that part's not relevant).

  • langrock
    Community Member

    Single vault, looking at the number displayed after 'All Items'. Trash holds 20 items at this point, which is the same number under V3 of the app. Ok, I just added up all the categories in V3 and I am also seeing only ... wait, the number just jumped to 1093 in V7 ... odd, but that's also what I have in V3 it seems. The difference to 1418 must be in attachments then.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @langrock -- another possibility is something we call "tombstones" -- these are items that have been trashed but then you've emptied the trash. That's supposed to permanently delete the item (and it does, for practical purposes), but because we've found with sync that sometimes much older versions of data on devices that haven't synced in a while suddenly are synced again, when the sync engine comes on a "new" record that's actually an OLD record that's not only been trashed but also removed (emptied), how does it know that this is NOT a record you've added on another device and want to add back into the main store of data, but instead a record that should be deleted everywhere? Answer: a "tombstone" record that contains the UUID of the item in question, so even after all trace of the item has been removed from 1Password, a fresh sync has a store of "dead" items that can be checked to make sure they're not a match with "new" items. Without this ability to check, anytime you deleted items and emptied the trash before performing a sync on another device, those items would be added back again as soon as you synced.

    Make sense? If not, that's OK -- just a peek into the intricacies of making sync work properly. The important thing for you is that you have the same count in both versions, which means these were very likely tombstones. Keep an eye on things, however, and make sure you appear to have most of your data available in 1Password 7 for Mac. Once you've used version 7 for a while, you should be able to discard the older sync keychains with confidence.

  • langrock
    Community Member

    Zombie entries of sorts ... nice. Seems that currently the count on both the Mac V3 and V7 as well as under iOS are the same. I'll keep the old keychain around for a while until things settled. Thanks for the help.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @langrock - you're quite welcome. Let us know if you run into further troubles or have additional questions. :)

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