Always show lock screen for Password AutoFill

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User]
Community Member
edited September 2018 in iOS

In the latest versions of 1Password, in Advanced → Security, there is a new toggle that says : “Always show lock screen for Password AutoFill” Has anyone understood how this changes the security model of 1Password?

With that setting turned off, my experience is that iOS prompts me to authenticate with Touch ID or Face ID before any filling takes place. With that setting turned on, I get the exact same prompt for authentication, but within a 1Password lock screen as opposed to a system dialog. Since the setting is located in Advanced → Security, I assume there is more to it than displaying or not displaying the work of 1Password’s talented designers.

Has anyone figured it out? 8-)


  • Hi @Deleted User

    With that setting turned on if you have a PIN enabled for 1Password you will be prompted for that PIN instead of biometric unlocking. :)


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member

    Hello, @Ben! As always, thank you for your kind reply. :)

    Just to confirm, as long as I do not use the PIN feature (using instead a master password and either Touch ID or Face ID), that particular feature becomes purely cosmetic and neither lowers nor heightens the protection of my 1Password database? :)

  • That is my understanding. :)


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member

    Thank you, @Ben. May I suggest that the way in which this setting is worded and classified is horribly misleading? I realise it is not a high-priority corner of the application, but it feels it needs gentle massaging by your UX team — or, at the very least, a line or two of small grey text below the toggle. :)

  • We may be re-working this entirely as it is now the default behavior when a PIN is enabled. But thank you for the suggestions! :)


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