Signed up for Familes subscription. Nothing migrated from Mac app version 6 to 1password online.

Community Member
edited September 2018 in Mac

I’ll try a more sober appraoch here due to the fact that no one answered my questions in another thread. I have the IOS version 6 on my two of my iPads, my iPhone, my wife has it on two of her iPads and her iPhone as well as my iMac with the latest version OS. Last night I signed up for the family plan so we could share more easily. We had been sharing vaults via Dropbox but lately it hasn’t been syncing and I spent forever try to get that to work again. To no avail. Anyway....after looking at how seemingly simple the transition to the subscription model was I figured I would go for that. Well.....I signed up, followed the instructions.....and low and behold nothing from my IOS app showed up in the online version of 1Password. I downloaded and installed IOS version 7 and was unable to transfer passwords from IOS version 6 to 7. I have 3 vaults so apparently the easy transfer of the passwords window doesn’t pop up. So it says “do it manually”. I followed the instructions and it did not work.

I guess the worst part of this whole thing is I have no way of getting my passwords onto the web version of 1Password. I tried everything. And it took me hours. I sync using Dropbox now and had 3 vaults. I actually got rid of 2 vaults and combined them because I thought that might work. It didn’t. Combining the vaults wa something I really didn’t want to do because now all my info is together in one huge place rather than organized nicely in vaults separate for my wife and I. Anyway......I’ve spent hours trying to transfer everything to the web version of 1Password and all my efforts have failed.

Any ideas?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • asimpleusername
    Community Member
    edited September 2018

    I have 1password on my Mac, my iPad, my iPhone, my wife has it on her iPhone and iPad as well. I just signed up for the subscription based program. Families to be exact. Just so my wife and I could share passwords and such. I followed all the instructions flawlessly. My online 1password account shows none of my passwords or anything else. I also downloaded version 7 of the app for my Mac and I can't migrate anything from version 6 to version 7. Basically...the too long didn't read version is as follows. Version 6 contains all my important stuff. I signed up for the online version and now I have an app with nothing in it and an online version with nothing in it. Please don't hit me with any links about how to migrate anything. I have done them all. They do nothing. I have more than 1 vault and the migration box that's supposed to pop up doesn't.....but......where it says "If you have more than one vault, 1Password won’t ask to move your data to your new account. Learn how to move your items manually." The learn how to move items manually is useless. I have a dropbox linked file that I assume is important. Folks.....I am raging with anger over this. I am very good with computers and software. This is a nightmare. Why won't any of my passwords and notes and important things show up online or in version 7 of the app. I'm glad it's a 30 days trail because this is a joke.

    1Password Version: Not Provided
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Not Provided
    Sync Type: Not Provided

  • asimpleusername
    Community Member

    No response in all this time? Why not?

  • Hi @asimpleusername

    I’m sorry we weren’t able to get back to you on Sunday. We do have staffing 24/7 but Sunday tends to be fairly light on folks around this forum. I apologize for that, and for the difficulty you’ve experienced. I see from the other thread that you’ve already determind you’re not going to use 1Password Families, but if you change your mind and would like assistance here please let me know.


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    And in case it helps anyone else i the future, we do have a comprehensive guide for moving data from a local vault (standalone license) to a account (membership subscription):

    Move your existing 1Password data to a 1Password account

  • asimpleusername
    Community Member

    What a shame. Now I’m fully intergrated with LastPass. Had a timely response come my way I’d still be a 1Password customer. It’s a sad situation due to the fact the 1Password was one of the top 3 greatest apps I have ever used. The interface was a dream to me. What all software should be.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @asimpleusername - we'll be sorry to see you go, but as long as you're not using sticky notes or re-using passwords at multiple sites, we'll be glad. Stay safe out there.

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