Version 0.5.4; turbocharged

1Password Alumni

We've just released v0.5.4 of the command-line tool, which brings some significant performance improvements to op get item!

Give it a try, and post on this forum with any feedback, issues, or suggestions you may have!

Link to download

Release notes:

- op get item performance improved up to 5x.
- TOTP codes with some less common options are now supported.


  • cttwapps
    Community Member

    Hello! My sincerest apologies if this has been asked and answered before but I could not find a previous post about it on the forum.

    Is there an update notification mechanism for the CLI? I would prefer not to rely on homebrew cask (trust issue). Thanks muchly.


  • cohix
    1Password Alumni

    @cttwapps Currently there is not. If you are using a version that has been deprecated, you will get an email prompting you to update, but otherwise there is no update notification.

  • c__
    Community Member

    Seems like 0.5.5 is now latest? And op update lets you know if you have an old version.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Yep! And thanks for participating in the beta. :) :+1:

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