Dropbox Notifications - "band_#.js" "You changed # mins ago"?

Community Member
edited September 2018 in Mac

I have 1PW v7 on my Android phone and 1PW 7 on my Mac. Of late I notice I am getting messages daily (or even more often) advising me "band_#.js" "You changed # mins ago"?

I have no idea what this means or what it relates to or if I need to do anything like unsync / re-sync to get rid of them. The path to the notification messages is:

1 Password.opvault > Default > band_#.js

Be useful to find out what they are and how to get rid of them because it's annoying having them pop up constantly.

1Password Version: 7.1.2
Extension Version: 4.7.3
OS Version: OS X 10.13.6
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:Dropbox Notifications - "band_#.js" "You changed # mins ago"?


  • @TechAddict,

    Any time you change an item on your Mac or your Android device its going to update one or more of those band files, that's how dropbox sync operates.

    I don't believe there's a way to configure dropbox to not notify about changes to the files they sync.

  • TechAddict
    Community Member

    Thanks. I'm seeing them as a list of 'Local Files'. Not sure it's safe to delete them or not? Funny, never noticed this before the recent updates.

  • @TechAddict,

    1Password sync needs those files to be present, so I wouldn't recommend deleting them.

  • TechAddict
    Community Member

    Thanks. Will try and figure out why I'm seeing them now and haven't since I've been using Dropbox. Maybe Dropbox changed something in their app.

  • @TechAddict,

    For what its worth, In my use of dropbox and 1Password dropbox sync it has displayed those files as having been updated for as long as dropbox has had a notifications list of updated files.

  • TechAddict
    Community Member

    Ah OK. Thanks for that. Guess it's just something I've never noticed. I did manage to turn off (I think) notifications for it. As long as nothing is wrong :) Thanks for your help.

  • Nope, working as expected. Thanks for the update. :) If we can be of further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


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