Show Password in Safari Browser

Community Member

There was a Safari Extension called ShowPass that showed passwords obscured by dots in the browser when you moused over the password field.

I found the extension very useful if I was having log in problems on a site to check that the value in the password field was actually the password. 1Password does, very very occasionally get it wrong on odd sites, putting the username in the password field for example. Very very very occasionally.

ShowPass stopped working with Safari 12.0 unfortunately.

Would it be possible for the 1Password Safari extension to include this functionality?

1Password Version: 6.8.9
Extension Version: 4.7.3
OS Version: 10.13.6
Sync Type: iCloud


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @daveguerin! We usually don't reply to user requests in the way I'm about to, because most of the time, it's more a matter of greater or lesser likelihood that we'll add a given feature to 1Password. But in this case, that's unfortunately going to have to be a hard no, and I'll tell you why: although it's trivial to find extensions or other plugins that can reveal passwords in the browser, it violates the very core of what we do here - privacy and security - to not only encourage but actually write code into 1Password to do so.

    If you run across instances of 1Password misbehaving on certain sites, the first thing to do is to check your Login item in 1Password. Sometimes, through no fault of yours OR ours, website owners will substantially change how their login pages work, which can render a previously-saved item that was working fine, completely useless (or at least partly broken). If that happens, try saving the item again. Enter your details manually or by copy/paste, then click the submit button yourself and allow 1Password to change or update the data (or save it as a new Login item). You can also save the login manually for even greater accuracy. If both those methods fail and you still can't get a working Login item, well, that's what we're here for. Contact us and we'll examine what might be going wrong in this specific case. Hope that helps! :)

  • daveguerin
    Community Member

    Hi @Lars , thanks for the welcome, and the succinct reply.

    I am aware of the security issues around a Safari extension that can show a password, but if someone has physical access to my laptop, has been able to login to my laptop, and has then been able to unlock 1Password, then I think a password exposed in the browser is the least of my worries. And such an extension only working when 1Password was unlocked would be more secure than a separate extension without any lock/unlock functionally. However, I do appreciate why you wouldn't want to add this functionally to 1Password.

    The odd times that 1Password gets it wrong has often been when a site I'm already logged into then asking again for my password when I'm updating something, often contact details or the like.

    I wasn't aware that I could manually save a login. Thanks for the link to that!

    And I know this is the Mac forum, but I have to say I'm really liking the new and improved integration of 1Password with iOS 12. Thanks!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @daveguerin - glad to have you here! :) Yeah, I'll let the 1Password for iOS crew know you're a fan of the new functionality there -- we've had almost universally positive reviews on that; it's something we've been looking forward to Apple allowing us to do for a while now, so we were ready to go on day one.

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