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Har aldrig fått något hemligt lösenord, vad jag vet.

Community Member

Jag har haft 1password i minst tre år och jag har aldrig haft några problem.
Jag har installerat om datorn, vilket jag gör då och då, jag har en PC.
Vid dessa tillfällen har det varit lätt att installera 1password och sedan backat upp alla mina lösenord och konton.
Men den här gången har det varit mycket krångel. Jag har fått en demoversion som ber mig att betala för ett medlemskap, som jag trodde att jag hade. Dessutom trodde jag det var gratis, men det kostar ju pengar...

1 Vad jag vet har jag aldrig betalat för tjänsten, jag kan ha fel.
2 Jag har aldrig varit medveten om att jag skulle ha ett hemligt lösenord, utöver mitt huvudlösenord.
3 Jag är beredd att betala för tjänsten, men det hemliga lösenordet sätter stopp för detta

Jag har en 1password-app som är kopplad till min dator och som har uppdaterat sig mot 1password på min dator genom Dropbox.
Enligt er hemsida så skulle jag kunna komma åt mitt hemliga lösenord ( om jag har något) genom min app, men jag har försökt
utan framgång. när jag har klickat mig fram där jag skall hitta min hemliga kod så står det ingenting...!

Vad gör jag.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • rob
    edited October 2018

    Hi, @Giakre.

    Unfortunately, most folks here don't speak Swedish, so we have to revert to Google Translate. Here's what I got:

    I've had 1password for at least three years and I've never had any problems.
    I have installed the computer, which I occasionally do, I have a PC.
    On these occasions it has been easy to install 1password and then back up all my passwords and accounts.
    But this time there has been a lot of hassle. I've got a demo version asking me to pay for a membership, which I thought I had. In addition, I thought it was free, but it costs money ...

    1 What I know, I have never paid for the service, I may be wrong.
    2 I have never been aware that I would have a secret password, in addition to my main password.
    3 I am willing to pay for the service, but the secret password will put an end to this

    I have a 1password app that is connected to my computer and has updated to 1password on my computer through Dropbox.
    According to your website, I could access my secret password (if I have anything) through my app, but I have tried
    without success. when I have clicked there I will find my secret code, nothing is left ...!

    What do I do.

    Regarding the price, 1Password is not free. You may have purchased a license previously or you may have been given one. What you've seen here is simply a change in how the pricing works. Besides the pricing, the new memberships come with a host of new features, and you can read more about those here:

    Your second point seems to reference the Secret Key, which is a new feature of the memberships that further secures your data. You don't need to worry about memorizing the Secret Key. Once you've set up a device, the Secret Key will be saved on that device. You'll be able to authorize a new device by scanning the Setup Code or simply copying and pasting the Secret Key from an existing device.

    Note that you won't have a Secret Key until you sign up for a 1Password membership. Have you done that already?

  • Giakre
    Community Member

    No, I have never signed up for a membership.
    If I register as a new member, I will lose all my passwords in my current demo version of 1password,
    or go all over to the version I buy.

  • You can learn about how to get set up with a membership and transfer your existing information into it here:

    Move your existing 1Password data to a 1Password account

    Pretty much everything should transfer over, the only exceptions that come to mind are:

    1. Folders will be converted to tags. There are no more Folders in 1Password.
    2. Attachments will be converted to Documents. Documents is a separate category that you’ll see in the apps after the migration. Documents are more flexible than attachments in that they can be linked to any number of items (including zero — standing by themselves).

    I hope that helps!


  • Giakre
    Community Member

    Thank you Ben, I will try to do this.
    1 I pay for a membership.
    2 I create a new blank 1password
    3 I move across all my data from my demo account to my new real account.

    Is it real?

  • Yep, that should do it, @Giakre. Make sure to follow the steps in the guide Ben posted so that everything gets moved over correctly. :+1:

This discussion has been closed.