Migration frustration.

Community Member

Just switched MacBooks. The ONLY thing that really mattered was making sure a smooth migration of 1Password. Instead, frustration at every turn. I'm not a nerd, paid for 1password a while back (2014, 1password 4, upgraded to 6 over time) and really just like that it works. Don't follow all this change but now snagged in it.

Followed instructions here:

Did that on my old machine and native files are still there, but when I search for vault to sync to after unsyncing, nothing. Greyed out files. Ugh.

"Sync Primary vault with DB."
Click here to find the DB folder

What am I looking for? I'm assuming the DB 1password folder is now gone, but it's still on my local machine according to what I read.

Why is this so damned complicated?

Thank you

1Password Version: 7.2.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.13.6
Sync Type: DB


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @crabcakes - I'm sorry for the trouble. Indeed, the very issues you're describing (switching computers and having compatibility/migration issues with data and 3rd party sync options when you simultaneously upgrade 1Password version) are some of the main reasons we created 1password.com memberships: because it "just works." Once you've signed up, on any new device you want to use 1Password on, you just sign in with your Master Password and Secret Key, and your data is there, instantly and without fussing with setting up iCloud accounts or Dropbox software. And that's only one of the benefits.

    If you want to continue with a standalone setup instead, then in version 7.2.1, you'll need to purchase a license, and choose Dropbox as your sync method at the initial welcome screen. Where are you in the process currently? What do you see when you launch 1Password (feel free to take a screenshot of what you see, if that’s easier).

  • crabcakes
    Community Member

    Where am I in the process? At the end of two days of pulling my hair out, despite twice paying for the app in the last, what, six years, and now faced with the prospect of spending another, what, $90 is it, on owning the app (again), with the tick tock countdown. I could be wrong on the amount I have to pay, the time I have left, or lots of other things because they are such a dizzying amount of apps, installs, buy here, not there, legacy this legacy that. It's maddening for someone who has far better things to do than worrying about a password app.

    Natch the answer is....the upgrade to the new subscription model! No doubt you've done a deep calculus on how many people like me are annoyed as possible that not only do I have to pay a third time for an app, I should see it as justice for all the "subsidized" upgrades I had in the past.

    (Yes I opened a second thread because without your passwords, you can't operate your machine, so yesterday I was out of my mind and determined not to upgrade. It just rubs people the wrong way.)

    You guys no doubt know your business model, but I've literally changed from an enthusiastic supporter to a totally grudging user. Any money I spent from here on in will be blood money.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @crabcakes - I'm sorry for the frustration you're experiencing, seriously. We want satisfied, happy users, not grudging ones or ones who feel trapped. I do have to ask, though, how often or how much you feel is worth it to pay for software you described as "the ONLY thing that really mattered...". We are - I am - more than willing to help you to the best of my ability for as long as it takes to get your situation squared away, so you can get back to doing what you do without spending time fussing with your password manager. But if the only thing that will make you happy is free upgrades forever because you paid for a previous version of 1Password in 2014, then we should spare ourselves both the frustration and part ways now, because that's not something we offer or have ever offered.

    The reason I asked you for a screenshot of what you're actually seeing/what step you're at currently is so I can help get you through this as smoothly and quickly as possible. I'd still like to see that, or get a more detailed description of what's going on/going wrong specifically. Without it, I'm instead having to take my best guess at what might be going on.

    To be clear, if you're still using macOS 10.13 (“High Sierra”) and you're not interested in either purchasing a standalone license for 1Password 7 for Mac or becoming a 1password.com member, you can download version 6.8.9, which you still have a license for, directly from our downloads page. This version will not work with Safari 12, so don't upgrade to that if you use Safari, but you can continue to use it for as long as you like, on as many Macs as you own/use, since licenses never expire...they just don't work to license all future versions. Let us know if you need help with getting that set up also. Either way, we'll be happy to help get you back up and running. :)

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