⌘⌥\ broken with Mojave?

Community Member


I used:
Fill Login or Show 1Password: ⌘ \
Show 1Password: ⌘⌥ \

When I assign ⌘⌥ \ it is recorded as ⌘ C (and it cannot be saved because it's obviously used by Copy)
I don't have any app with a global shortcut using this one. I also made sure to disable (and even change) "System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Accessibility > Zoom > Smoothing" which use that shortcut by default.

I tried to visualise in the virtual keyboard (it's actually sending ⌘ C and not ⌘⌥ ). The only way I can actually record this shortcut is inside the "System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts". I tried to use it for the zoom feature and it actually works. My guess is that OSX Mojave intercept this shortcut even if it's not assigned.

I know it's most probably not related to 1Password but since it's the default shortcut, I'm guessing that I'm not the only one with this problem. Does anyone has found a solution or is encountering this same problem?


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @qkbejzkuo3! I'm sorry for the trouble. I'm unable to replicate that behavior here, and we have not had a flood of reports about it, so I'm going to guess that it's a function of some other text/clipboard management app you have on your system, or something configured in keyboard shortcuts or elsewhere. Do you use anything like TextExpander or Typinator or Keyboard Maestro or Alfred that might be using that particular keyboard combo?

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