Fill password not submitting web page


The passwords are filling in the fields properly, but the extension is not doing the submit on the page for which the the password is being entered, so a manual click of the "Login" or "Submit" or other action button must done.

1Password Extension Helper is authorized in System Preferences >> Security & Privacy >> Privacy >> Accessibility settings.
1Password 7 System Events are also enabled in System Preferences >> Security & Privacy >> Privacy >> Automation

Safari extension is 7.2.1 and it doesn't behave properly either.

1Password Version: 7.2.1
Extension Version:
OS Version: macOS 10.14
Sync Type: Subscription
Referrer: forum-search:Fill password not submitting web page


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @Dr. Wingnut,

    Apple have made a number of security improvements to Mojave and Safari 12 and it impacted how we submitted after filling. While our use was benign, the feature could be misused and my understanding was it was being removed completely. We followed this up by removing the submit feature from 1Password for Mac. The extension should still leave focus on a password field meaning that you should be able to tap the return/enter key and have the form submitted (which is what 1Password was doing programmatically). I fully understand why Apple needed to restrict this, it's just a shame that it impacted 1Password. I'm sure a few people will find this at least initially disruptive but if you're a keyboard shortcut user at all hopefully needing to add the return key won't feel too onerous after a while.

  • Dr. Wingnut
    Dr. Wingnut
    Community Member

    Got it. Thanks for the prompt response. Totally understand why this has changed.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    I know a lot of people loved the submit after filling feature so it is a shame but I definitely appreciate Apple's position on this.

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