agilekeychain to opvault did not bring over everything **HELP

rob s
rob s
Community Member

I've been having some issues with my Mac and with Mojave out I figured it was time for a clean install. Of course the first thing to install is 1P. Not remembering that I had not upgraded to 1P 7 I downloaded the latest version and upgraded the old agilekeychain to the new opvault. I now have only 27 passwords compared to the 582 items I had about an hour ago.

How do I get 1P to convert the whole thing? the keychain is 19.6 MB and the new opvault is 78 KB.

I've found some articles talking about migrating but nothing talking about the problem I'm having. My iPad and phone both still have what I need but I need it on my Mac as I'm reinstalling things right now.

p.s. I did go ahead and get the license for 1P 7...

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @rob s I'm sorry for the trouble! Don't worry; it's unlikely your data is actually gone, especially if you were previously syncing via Dropbox. If you open your Dropbox folder, what do you see there in terms of sync keychains? They will be in one of the the following three formats:

    1. Agile Keychain
    2. OPVault
    3. ".legacyagilekeychain", which is what the conversion process re-names Agile Keychains after conversion, so they aren't inadvertently used any longer.

    How many total vaults did you have? Just the one Primary vault?

  • rob s
    rob s
    Community Member

    I have 4 Vaults total. 3 I created recently (before upgrading) and they are opvault. My primary is now legasyagilekeychain which I duplicated and took out the legacy and iPad and iPhone are happy once again.

    I'm not terribly worried as I cloned the hard drive before upgrading so I have copies of the .agilekeychain before the conversion. Really I'm just annoyed that I can't access my passwords on my mac right now. Although I have found that the copy/paste handoff between my iPad and Mac is really impressive.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @rob s - indeed, removing the legacy prefix from in front of any .legacyagilekeychain files converted by 1Password 7 for Mac will return them to being functional Agile Keychains. But "functional" means they will resume working with any previous version of 1Password for Mac. I would strongly recommend you use these instructions to migrate that vault over to the newer OPVault format also, because it will not sync with and won't be usable in any future versions of 1Password for Mac. Agile Keychain was a great format in its day, but it's over ten years old now, and even the newer OPVault has been out for four years.

  • rob s
    rob s
    Community Member

    That link is basically how I went about upgrading but I only ended up with 27 items not the 580+ items I had before. How do I get everything converted?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @rob s - if that's what you already did and you got 27 items instead of 580, then there's more here than meets the eye. To get a better idea of what might be going on, I'd like to ask you to create some diagnostics reports, one from each of your devices.



    Please add the following code (including the square brackets) to the Subject line of your diagnostics emails before sending them:


    This will link your diagnostics to our current discussion. I'll take a look and let you know what I find out.

    For anyone else reading, please note: this ID is for rob s only. If you’re experiencing the same issue and need help, please ask us for your own ID.

    ref: UNA-85841-331

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