Chasing up #VAG-22399-238 Still need help with stopping a 1password popup & faulty auto input ⌘\

Community Member
edited October 2018 in Mac

Since downloading 1P7 I have been getting this pop-up, asking me to sign into my account. I don't have an account as I'm not a member. Shot 2018-10-04 at 7.11.31 pm.png?dl=0
I understand that I am able to continue syncing via dropbox and I don't have to pay the monthly subscription for the web service/sync.
My auto input has also stopped working, my shortcut is the default ⌘.
So, I right click to bring up 1P and then the above pop-up appears. I can't seem to get around that.
I have to manually copy my password from the app.
Thank you in advance for any help. :-)

1Password Version: 7.2.1
Extension Version: 7.2.1
OS Version: 10.13.6
Sync Type: DropBox


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @discobig! Thanks for the screenshot, and I'm sorry for the trouble. What you posted isn't a sign-in prompt, exactly (though you can click the bottom link there and sign into an existing account), it's a purchase window, letting you know that 1Password 7 for Mac is unlicensed and running in Read Only mode. That's the reason you can't use auto-fill via the extension as well; when 1Password is unlicensed, you cannot add, edit or delete any data, and you can't use the browser extension either.

    No worries, though! If you click on the Read Only banner in any of your 1Password items, you will see that window again, and be able to purchase a standalone license by clicking the "Need a license? We have those too" link:

    Let me know if you run into any difficulties or have any follow-up questions. :)

  • discobig
    Community Member

    Hi @Lars Thank you for your update and welcome. I hope my note finds you well. Unfortunately, your reply doesn't address my question. Your reply implies I receive that pop up as I don't have a license, as in I'm in read only mode. I have a license key and have had since 2006, but not an account/membership. I simply wanted to update the application but now I am stopped with that annoying pop up every time I want to auto fill. How can I get rid of that annoying pop-up asking me to buy a license? Thank you & Best Regards, Duncan

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @discobig - I am well, thank you! Hope you are too. Always nice to get to speak with a long-time customer. If you've been with us since 2006, then this won't be the first time you've gone through a paid upgrade of 1Password; a license purchased back then would have stopped working for version 3, and version 4 (for Mac) was also a paid upgrade. We gave versions 5 and 6 as free full-version upgrades to anyone with a version 4 license, but now, with the completely-redesigned 1Password 7 for Mac, it is again time for a paid upgrade. That's why there's no magic button to press to dismiss that pop-up. If it's been a while since you checked in with us, I'd strongly recommend having a look at a membership; it's by far the best way to use 1Password), currently. Or, if you're a dyed-in-the-wool standalone license person, well, that's what my image above will help lead you to as well. Standalone licenses are currently $49.99 during our launch special pricing but will soon be returning to the regular retail price of $64.99. By contrast, a membership (for a single individual) is only $2.99/mo if paid annually. I'd be happy to answer questions about either. Hope that helps! :)

  • discobig
    Community Member

    @lars Thanks so much my friend. I appreciate your time and trouble to make everything clear for me. Bless you! I was very confused before, I must have missed the "memo" that detailed 1P7 was a paid upgrade. I have now upgraded my app to V7 and I've subscribed to a membership over the standalone. Here's hoping you have a great weekend. Thank you again. Keep In Happy Places, Duncan ॐ☯

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @discobig - you're quite welcome, sorry it wasn't clear previously. Glad to hear you've gone to a membership; you should notice a big improvement in ease of use as well as flexibility. Let us know if you have any troubles. :)

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