Password isn't updating

Community Member

I changed a password online on a different machine. I changed the password in 1P on my iPhone. My Mac isn't showing the updated password. Not sure what's going on here. iPhone app is 7.2.1.


1Password Version: 7.2.2b2
Extension Version: 7.2.2b2
OS Version: 10.14
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @TomWolsky - sorry for the trouble. Please try locking 1Password on your Mac by clicking 1Password 7 > Lock, then re-opening it with your Master Password. Let us know if the password for your item is updated.

  • TomWolsky
    Community Member

    Thanks Lars. I tried it a couple of times, but I still see the old password on the Mac.

  • TomWolsky
    Community Member

    Update: It just changed on the Mac. Surprisingly long time it seems.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @TomWolsky - that does seem like a long time. I'm wondering what software you might have on the Mac that could be preventing the notifier? Any kind of HandsOff/Little Snitch or other network-level software?

  • TomWolsky
    Community Member

    Don’t think so. I could send you System information if you think it might help.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @TomWolsky - before we go down that particular rabbit hole, I'd recommend a fresh restart of all devices including routers on your system, as well as verifying the connection setups on each. Test it out for a while - see how quickly new/changed items appear on other devices, and if things continue to seem slow to you, let us know how long (approximately) things took, and we can dig further into diagnostics if necessary at that point.

  • TomWolsky
    Community Member

    Update was immediate. Made a change on the phone. Launched Mac 1P and it was there. Removed the change on the Mac, went back to the phone, and it was gone.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @TomWolsky - sounds like something temporary, then. :)

  • TomWolsky
    Community Member

    Unfortunately the problem has repeated. I created a new entry on the phone, and it's not appearing on the Mac. I've tried, lock, closing, unlocking with TouchID and unlocking with password. It's just not appearing. Maybe it's just time, though it's odd that the last test went beautifully. Wondering if it's a network thing. Devices on different networks and locations at different times.

  • TomWolsky
    Community Member
    edited October 2018

    OK. It arrived. Networks hadn't changed. Just seemed a really long think,

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @TomWolsky - that's mildly unusual, but nothing to worry too much about. I'd guess it has to do with local network issues, so as long as you're not seeing items that don't ever sync, you should be fine. One way to force a sync is to lock 1Password and then unlock again.

  • TomWolsky
    Community Member

    Thanks Lars. I tried the lock, unlock, but it didn't;t seem to kick it into action.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @TomWolsky - are you using any content blockers/network filters/antivirus software on your Mac (or at the network level)? If so, please either whitelist 1Password or turn it off temporarily and restart all related devices, then see how/if that affects things.

  • TomWolsky
    Community Member

    No antivirus, but content blockers in Safari. I’ll try whitelisting.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

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