Convert personal iTunes to Family Subscription
I've been trying to get help from support to transition my personal subscription (iTunes) to one I can convert to a family subscription. My current subscription is in iTunes and has been cancelled. It sounds like I just need someone to reset the subscription info on my account so I can re-subscribe via the website. I contacted support about 24 hours ago (#YUE-15286-462) but have heard nothing. Does 1Password not want my money?!
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
It has been 3 days now since I contacted support about the above issue (both by email and web form) and I haven't received any replies aside from the automated ones. No replies here either. I'm a paying customer who is asking for help so I can pay MORE by subscribing to a higher plan - I'm not impressed. Time to explore alternatives.