7.2 database backwards compatibility

Community Member
edited October 2018 in Mac

In a thread someone said that due to the impact of the 'improved' Reused Password warnings they were experiencing, they may revert to 7.1 until further refinements to 7.2 had been made.

In @Lars reply he stated:

7.2 contained a database schema change that means earlier versions are essentially unusable without using an older copy of the data as well. Depending on the changes you've made, those changes will not be reflected in any attempt to restore the previous version.

This raises a few questions for me:

  • What changes render the new database incompatible with older versions?

  • I'm still using an iPhone 5 which is stuck at iOS 10 and 1P6 (I'm aware of the implications, I'm optimistically hoping Apple may release an updated SE early next year, as the smaller size is preferable). Is the 7.2 opvault still fully compatible with this older iOS version?

  • Does this mean that someone trialling v7 can no longer seamlessly revert back to v6 if they decide they prefer the older version? (I know Agilebits' stance on staying with v6, but some of the 'improvements' are viewed negatively by some.)

  • Was there a warning I missed during the update from 7.1? I can see no mention of this change in the release notes.

Many thanks for any guidance, and hopefully I'm worrying about nothing. :)

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @TonyHall - the changes are to the SQLite schema. It won't affect your use of 1Password 6 for iOS on your iPhone 5. The only thing that would be a problem would be trying to re-install a previous version of 1Password 7 for Mac, which directly uses the same SQLite file that 7.2 does.

    In terms of 1Password 7 for Mac vs 1Password 6 for Mac, the two versions store their data in entirely different places:

    • 1Password 7 for Mac - ~/Library/Group Containers/2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits/Library/Application Support/1Password/Data
    • 1Password 6 for Mac
      • (Mac App Store version) - ~/Library/Containers/2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper/Data/Library/Data/OnePassword.sqlite
      • (AgileBits version) - ~/Library/Application Support/1Password 4/Data/OnePassword.sqlite

    In other words, reverting back to version 6 would resume your version 6 data exactly as you left it before upgrading to version 7; no changes made in version 7 would be reflected in the version 6 data UNLESS you were syncing via the same cloud-based method such as a 1Password membership or Dropbox or iCloud, which would then sync/update upon the first re-opening of 1Password 6 for Mac after reverting.

  • jimbojones2000
    Community Member

    I was bitten by this change.

    The release notes https://app-updates.agilebits.com/product_history/OPM7 don't mention a backwards-incompatible DB schema change.

    You shouldn't be making breaking changes with a minor version bump, especially without calling it out in the release notes.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @jimbojones2000 - thanks for the feedback. :)

  • jimbojones2000
    Community Member

    Also, can you turn off this dark pattern?

    The email could quite easily say what you said in the post above, instead of making me click an extra link to come back here to see it.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni


    The email could quite easily say what you said in the post above, instead of making me click an extra link to come back here to see it.

    It can't, actually. We use Vanilla as our forum software, and there is no option I'm aware of that allows users (or even admins) to include the contents of messages (public or direct) in email notifications.

    I'm not sure what you mean by "turn off this dark pattern."

  • jimbojones2000
    Community Member

    Okay, I'll raise that with Vanilla Forums. My company uses them too (although I haven't worked with it) and that behaviour is a particular pet peeve of mine.

    https://darkpatterns.org/ -- UX / UI anti-patterns that trick or force the user to do extra or unnecessary work, usually in aid of driving signups or page views.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

This discussion has been closed.