Feature Reuest: Advanced options of password generator

Community Member
edited October 2018 in Lounge

Each of web sites has different password policies. Most of web sites allows only alphabets and letters, but some others' allows symboles. Speaking of symbols, there are a lot of different policies, such as only @#$%^ are allowed.
However current 1password generator provides us only few policies, English, nubmers and symbols.

This is an example of password policy (Government in Japan)

  • should be more than 8 and less than 32 digits of alphabet, number, and symbol.
  • should contain both alphabet and number
  • only /[]:;|=_+?<> are allowed.
  • should not use words that can be inferred easily.

I hope that such passwords that satisfies complex policies can be generated by implementing advanced options in password generator.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Indeed, some websites can be very finicky about disallowing or requiring specific things. It's impossible to accommodate all of these, and frankly it results in a bad experience and bad security when they do this. But we've built some things that can help into our newest password generator. There is no UI for that sort of thing yet, but it's something we're exploring for future versions. Hopefully we'll be able to find a good way of presenting it that is usable without encouraging people to use weaker passwords unnecessarily — for example, by defaulting to the settings used at the last website with poor password policies. Thank you for you feedback on this!

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