Error reporting on Vanilla Forum software

Community Member
edited October 2018 in Lounge

I logged out of a conversation with @brenty and cannot get back in. The messages also appears to have nothing to do with the old Inbox messages from some years ago?

Inbox messages cannot cleared now?

Apologies for the troubles. You have a great product, 1Password.

When I click on Brent’s messages, I get a Permission Problem message.

“Permission Problem
You don’t have permission to do that”


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @wkleem: Please send an email to with the URL and a screenshot and post the Support ID here. I'll be happy to look into it.

  • wkleem
    Community Member

    Support ID is [#WFZ-39279-268]


  • wkleem
    Community Member

    Also in Full Size vs Mobile, Mobile shows some total post count but in Full Desktop mode, zero.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @wkleem: Yeah that's weird. If you go to "Comments" when signed in, do you see your posts there? I think part of the confusion is that the mobile site uses only "My discussions", whereas the desktop site splits things into "Discussions" and "Comments".

    ref: WFZ-39279-268

  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited October 2018


    I was sure that before, Discussions, Comments, etc, was visible. Can see yours, Adam’s, everyone else but not mine.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I'm really not sure what the solution is. Sorry. You are still able to post here though. If you need help with 1Password, let me know.

  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited October 2018

    No problem. Just pointing out forum oddities, and the forum software has a number of them, some seemingly unfixable like Bookmarks. Maybe report to Vanilla?

    We’ll carry on the conservation in email. I cannot get back in to a closed message which shows Permission Problem.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

This discussion has been closed.