Currently use standalone licence & member of Team. Want to start a Family. Anything I should know?

Community Member

I currently use 1P 6 with a standalone licence (using the old Dropbox sync method) and am a member of a team. Now that 1P plays so nicely with iOS 12 I want to start a Family account (and thus figure it's finally time to stop using my standalone licence). How should I manage this transition?

eg Can I just start up a Family account and move my vault into that, and then link it with my Team? Or should I move my standalone stuff to my Team account first? Or doesn't it matter?

Any thing else I might otherwise wish I'd known before I'd started?

1Password Version: 6.8.9
Extension Version: 4.7.3
OS Version: 10.14
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:Currently use standalone licence & member of Team. Want to start a Family. Anything I should know?


  • Hi @puffmoike

    One possible option would be to upgrade the team to 1Password Business. That level of membership includes a 1Password Families account for each member within the business membership. If your team is interested in that please reach out to our business team at for further details.

    I wouldn't recommend storing any personal information in 1Password Teams / 1Password Business. If your relationship with the business is ever terminated you'd lose access to all of that data. A 1Password Families membership in addition to the business account would be most appropriate. You can be signed into both accounts within each of the 1Password apps.

    We have a guide on migrating from standalone to membership here:

    I hope that helps.


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