Deleting default sections and fields

This discussion was created from comments split from: Add the functionality for deleting (default) sections again.


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @kiroushi - I can't argue with the idea that we do indeed implement features based on what we think 1Password should be. But unlike a lot of our competition in the password manager space, we've never had a dime of venture capital money nor been bought out by a deep-pocketed corporate parent. That means that for the nearly 13 years we've been around, we've had to answer to exactly two interests: ourselves (and our own idea of what 1Password should be), and our users. And since we've managed to get where we are today on nothing but the direct sale of 1Password to our users, I feel as if we must have done at least a decent job of providing a product that benefits users and that they're willing or even happy to use. :)

    That's not to say there isn't room for change and improvement, there always is. And that's a big part of why we take the time to do things like answer virtually every post in this public discussion forum, in addition to numerous other communications channels: so we can hear what the user community wants. But 1Password can't be all things to all people, and as the user community grows we get an increasing number of diverging -- sometimes even opposing -- requests. That means even if we had the time to pursue them all, we couldn't work simultaneously on two requests that asked for entirely opposite things. That's where our own judgment about what needs most attention and is the best direction to pursue comes into play.

    If you aren't a fan of that direction, or you think a particular item deserves a higher priority, let us know! I can't promise we'll agree with you, but we'll certainly always listen and be grateful you care enough about the direction of 1Password to share your ideas and wants with us. From your post, I see you mention the subscription model. I can pretty much guarantee that's not going to be changing, but we do (in part due to user feedback) still offer standalone licenses in both 1Password 7 for Mac and 1Password 7 for Windows, so users have that choice. The only other substantive item on your list I could discern was that you want to be able to move sections around, and to delete default sections. Was there anything else?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @kiroushi: Yeah...we don't sell miracles, and we're not going to make promises about unreleased stuff. You should only pay for 1Password — or any other product — based on its actual features. You can probably find a company out there that will tell you otherwise, but that's not how we do things. If 1Password fills a need for you, we're happy to have your support. If it doesn't, we'd rather you use something else that better suits your preferences/workflow. We want happy customers, not trapped ones. And we cannot add every feature or improvement that's requested, so 1Password will not be the perfect fit for everyone. We'll keep working to make it better, but that's the reality. Take care.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @kiroushi - we don't normally pre-announce release dates as many factors (some beyond our control) affect them. If you're finding the lack of being able to re-order sections and delete default defaults to be a deal-breaker, then as brenty mentioned, there are likely other products out there that may better serve that specific need. As long as you're not re-using the same password everywhere or resorting to sticky notes on your monitor, we'll be happy. Stay safe out there. :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @kiroushi: No, it literally doesn’t. Only you are responsible for your rude behaviour. The words you choose reflect on you, not us. You’re not welcome here if you can’t be bothered to keep it civil. This is a support forum for a software product, not your personal soapbox.

    Forum guidelines

    If you need help with 1Password, we can assist you with that. But us not changing our software according to your whims doesn’t justify bad behaviour.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I'd be angry too if "anyone who doesn't do what I want is being rude" were my worldview. :unamused:

This discussion has been closed.