Can't Understand Upgrade Description

Community Member

I must be having another senior moment but I can't follow the directions to upgrade to 7.2 on my Mac. I go to the One Password website in order to get my "key" . But I need my key to log on to get my key. What am I doing wrong? Thanks

Also, why can't I upgrade from the Apple App Store?

1Password Version: 7.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Mojave
Sync Type: iCloud


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @genec123 - I'm sorry for the trouble! Not sure I understand you, however: in the details of your post, you say you're having trouble upgrading to version 7.2...but you also say you're ON version 7.2. Can you give us a little more detail, please? What specific version of macOS and of 1Password are you using, and what are you trying to do that's not working the way you think it should?

  • genec123
    Community Member

    I am not on 7.2. Somehow I ended up with 2 versions of 1Password on my Mac running Mojave. I removed 7.2 from my Mac as I did not want to pay for it. But now, when I try to install the Safari extension I get the Login page. I do not have a "secret key" and your system does not recognize my email. So for now I have to manually cut and paste my user names and passwords from 1Pass to my websites. I have been using 1Pass for a long time and don't remember how I purchased it. I have been recommending it to as lot of people too. But I was not aware that the license would fade away when a new version came out and Agilebits no longer supported the earlier version. If you are going to do that you should be upfront that a "new need to pay for version (at full price) is an eventuality.

  • Dornette
    Community Member

    Agree @genec123! Longtime user/recommender of 1Password here, with a stand alone license. I installed v.7 when mini stopped being supported on v.6. Then uninstalled 7 when I realized I would have to pay all over again. I am copyingt and pasting my PW's now, too. Is there any way to keep 6 or are we being forced to pay to update? I think this way of doing business is not transparent, and has taken my by (unpleasant) surprise.

  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    Changes by Apple mean that extensions from third parties are no longer supported in Safari, which is why that has been removed from the 1PS extensions page. Apple currently allows the extension to be installed from their own Extensions gallery, and you should be able to get it from there. But even that is going away in the not-too-distant future. Once it does go away, although the extension will continue to work, if you need to reinstall after a crash or the like, you will have to go to version 7 to get the Safari extension. That's an example of why 1PW 6, like any old versions, has no long-term future.

    Another solution is not to use Safari, as Chrome and Firefox don't have this issue.

    You won't have a secret key, as this is part of the subscription model. Of course, if you did subscribe you would not have to pay extra for any updates, but I do understand that this is not enough of a reason for some people to subscribe.

    I've never understood why people do not expect to pay for upgrades. I agree that I would expect a reduced price for current users, but AgileBits have explained why they decided that they would go with a reduced initial price for everyone rather than two prices, one for new users and one for current users; I must admit that I wasn't entirely convinced by their reasoning.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @genec123 - we do continue to support previous versions of 1Password for those who continue to use those older, legacy versions. Older versions won't be receiving further development attention, but we will indeed work to assist users here or via email if they have problems, just as we do with the current version. If someone is using a sufficiently old version of 1Password, our answer may be "you need to upgrade," because software that was released in 2011 becomes increasingly unstable on newer hardware and versions of macOS...but we don't just abandon users of older versions as soon as the new one is released.

    With over 100 people working full time on 1Password, however, it would be difficult to sustain forward progress or even continue to stay in business without charging for the additional work developers, designers and support workers do to improve the product and keep it working with advances in browsers, OS versions, and related technologies. With standalone licenses, we follow the more-or-less industry standard software licensing model: free upDATES in-version (like from 5.5 to 5.6), paid upGRADES to new full versions (like 5.6 to 6.0). This is the most common way commercial software is sold throughout the world. New full-version upgrades typically have a host of all-new features, not just bug-fixes or minor changes, and those changes are the product of the work of dozens of people (in our case) over many months. Obviously, it's up to us to demonstrate to users that new versions of 1Password are worth the money we charge for a license for that new version...but the existence of the charge itself isn't - or shouldn't come as - a surprise.

    If you aren't interested in 1Password 7 for Mac, you can certainly uninstall it and revert to 1Password 6 for Mac. It sounds like you were able to do that, but correct me if I'm wrong. How are you trying to install the 1Password extension? If you're returning to version 6, you'll need to download it directly from the Safari Extensions Gallery, as Apple have removed the ability of users to download and install extensions directly from developers. Try that, and let us know how it goes. :)

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Dornette - I'm sorry for the confusion. Some of the confusion's mine, however. Can you tell me what you meant by:

    ...when mini stopped being supported on v.6?

    1Password mini has been a part of 1Password since version 4, and continues to be in version 7. You did not need to upgrade to regain or replace the mini. You are not, in short, "being forced to pay to update." If you're unable to use the 1Password extension after removing version 7, it could be due to a number of factors. If you've reverted to 1Password 6 for Mac, you need to make sure you have only the extension installed in your browser, and make sure it is active. Do you have that installed? If not, you can get it from the Safari Extensions Gallery link in my post above to @genec123. Let me know how you get on! :)

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