Preferences- Browser- "Automatically submit logins after filling" Checkbox no longer exists.

Joe Foerster
Joe Foerster
Community Member

"Automatically submit logins after filling" Checkbox no longer exists; credentials are not being submitted. This happened after a recent update to 1Password and has happened with both Macs I use the product on. Obviously something changed in the update and I would like to know why it was removed, and when it will be put back.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Preferences- Browser- "Automatically submit logins after filling" Checkbox no longer exists; credentials are not being submitted.


  • drbull
    Community Member

    I have the same problem since I upgraded to Mojave!!

  • tim_kite
    Community Member
    edited October 2018

    They (AgileBits) yanked the feature because it now requires a few extra steps to enable in Mojave (and a few better reasons). It doesn’t sound like they want to add it back in with instructions for making it work, but if you’re interested it getting auto submit back, here’s how:
    1. Revert to a version of 1Password that has auto submit. Anything in the 6.x line, or 7.0.x if you can find it. Sorry, no dark mode. (Don’t forget to uninstall the newer one, restart all browsers, then re-install the old 1Password extensions!)
    2. Try auto-filling a form. Any form!
    3. You’ll get an error. Read it carefully. You want to allow 1Password to send keystrokes, so respond accordingly.
    4. Choose to open System Preferences when asked in the 2nd dialog.
    5. Unlock Accessibility preferences. You may need to supply your admin password.
    6. Check the box for 1Password.
    7. Try your form fill again. It should auto-submit now!
    8. Never upgrade 1Password again or lose the feature (unless AgileBits has a change of heart).

    Note: you can just manually add 1Password Mini to the Accessibilty section of System Preferences/Security&Privacy/Privacy.

    Annoyingly, AgileBits acts like the above isn’t a option. Lots of apps simulate key presses and ask you to do the above in Mojave: Bartender, Pastebot, TextMate, Dropbox, Discord, Steam, others...? Their other reasons for yanking the feature are better: it’s not 100% reliable and will sometimes submit the wrong thing. Good reasons to make the feature optional rather than pulling it, in my mind. It’s a big enough feature I will admit it has me looking at their competitors.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @tim_kite: No. You know better, as there's already been a fairly extensive discussion on this topic that you've participated in since Safari 12 was introduced. While certainly possible in some cases, we're not going to "hack" around this given that Apple's intention is clear. Anything we try to do like that could be easily broken, and we're not in the business of contravening the platform owner. As Lars explained to you, the instructions you're giving people to "revert" this change also not only goes against Apple, but won't work going forward anyway since the old extension frameworks are going away entirely in the near future. And, ultimately, you'll be shooting yourself in the foot with regard to security, since old versions will not receive any further improvements. You may be okay with that, but I'll ask you to please refrain from foisting these kinds of shortsighted "solutions" on others. Thanks.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Joe Foerster, @drbull: Thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry for the confusion there. Autosubmit is not coming back. Apple has made it clear that they don't want keystrokes being sent, as this can be easily exploited my malware. Since autosubmit was not used by everyone, was unreliable in many cases, and is untenable going forward due to policy and API changes on the platform (and in most cases all you need to do is press Return to submit after filling a login), we've removed it now. I hope this helps clarify the situation. Be sure to let me know if you have any questions.

  • tim_kite
    Community Member

    I admit, I posted that because I was angry, and if I could delete the post now I would. I'm hopeful Apple opens up the new autosubmit feature they've added into Safari Technology Preview as an API, which really does sound like the best solution going forward. Until then, you're in the same boat as every other password manager on macOS.

  • Joe Foerster
    Joe Foerster
    Community Member

    Well, going back to an older version is, obviously, not an option. But I really appreciate the comment and explanation. I think it's interesting that this appears to be an intentional removal of a feature without any explanation or discussion from Dave and company. At least I never saw anything preparing me for the loss of functionality. It would be very nice to get a statement from the company on this now.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @tim_kite: Totally. I understand completely. And I'm sure that if Apple and/or we are able to find a way of doing this that can't be exploited, we'll all be happy. :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Joe Foerster: Thanks for understanding. We don't typically write blog posts, etc. about changes like this, but you'll always find them in the release notes:

    For example, insecure sharing, WebSockets, just to name a few things that have gone away in recent memory (though insecure sharing came back with appropriate warnings).

  • Joe Foerster
    Joe Foerster
    Community Member

    Brenty, I appreciate if you did have this in release notes but— I'll say this as politely as I can— you removed a feature without notifying users directly. Burying it in release notes is not sufficient. But, perhaps I'm over-reacting. It is minor but still a PITA to press enter, regardless of what you say. And it's a function we've had for as many years as I've been using the product. So, thanks for letting me know and I appreciate the situation you are in, the risks, and all that. Just let Dave know, that his email we all get when there are new versions and stuff, should have made a point to identify this and make sure we saw it. Thanks!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Joe Foerster - thanks for the feedback. :)

This discussion has been closed.