New version Password7 is not working

Community Member

I updated 1Password 6.8.8 to the new Password7. Three problems<
1. When I open the new password version, I have duplicate names and logins for all my accounts and other information in the new version.
2. When it opens, I get an orange box stating Reused password, we want to keep this password for the time being, how do I get rid of the orange box?
3. When I try to go into one of my accounts, I get an extensions box with several icons. Did I not complete the update?
Your help will be greatly appreciated. We share Password on two computers.

1Password Version: 7.2.1
Extension Version: don't know
OS Version: OS Mojave 10.14
Sync Type: not sure


  • Darell1941
    Community Member

    Already stated comments

  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    Were you on a subscription or a licence for 6.8.? And the same for question for 7.

    When you move from a licence to a sub, you get a Primary vault (the old data, a local vault only) and a Personal (or Private) vault that syncs with that contains the same data. That's the commonest cause of issue 1. If that is your situation, once you are happy with everything you can delete the Primary vault.

    As to 2, I don't think you can do anything about it except ignore the warning if it is not relevant for you.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @Darell1941! I'm sorry for the trouble you've had upgrading 1Password to version 7. Let's take your issues one-by-one.

    1. this is likely a result of you having both a Primary and a Personal vault now. My guess is you went through the process to set up a membership/account, which creates a Personal vault and imports your Primary vault's items. So, if you keep the Primary vault around, you'll see two of everything. That's easily solved: you can visit Preferences > Advanced and un-check the box marked "Allow creation of vaults outside 1Password accounts." That will remove your previous Primary (standalone) vault.
    2. You cannot get rid of the warning box if you actually DO have re-used passwords. And, if you've duplicated all the data in Primary into Personal, then all your passwords are reused, because you have two copies of them. Here again, removing the older Primary vault will solve most instances of this type of issue...unless you really DO have re-used passwords that you've used across multiple Logins at multiple places. In that case, it's a good idea to change some of them...that's what the warning's for. :)
    3. I confess, I didn't understand this one. Can you maybe restate specifically what is happening? Or, if it's easier, take a screenshot of what you’re referring to and include it in your reply? Thanks. :)
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