Adblock and sensitive information

Community Member

As you know sensitive information is very importanf not to share with others !
All 1 Password world based on protecting privet information .
Now, I want to install in Safari an Adblock ,
Adblock can Read all sensitive information including names, passwords and other data .
Any idea how to use an Adblock ?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @ronen - the answer to that question is going to vary depending on the specific workings of the adblocker you choose. However, it's well outside the scope of what we do here for us to advise you on best practices for other developers' products (besides Apple or Microsoft's operating systems, as they relate to 1Password). I will point out that I know of no adblocking software that can read your 1Password database. When they say "passwords," I believe they mean "that get entered into the login fields," not "anywhere on disk." But the browser is definitely a hostile environment, and you should not install any extensions from sources you don't trust.

  • ronen
    Community Member

    The only extension I’ve installed is 1Password.
    Many people have Adblock extension, really I’m confused

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @ronen - you can certainly install any number of ad-blocking extensions or programs. 1Blocker is a popular one. AdBlock or AdBlock Plus are others, and there are still more you could use.

    I'm not sure what you're asking me; I'm willing to help with anything related to 1Password, but would you mind restating what you'd like to know? Thanks. :)

  • ronen
    Community Member

    Until now, 1Password is the only developer I truly trust!
    I don’t have anyone alse to ask and receive honest solution, so I’m asking here.
    Although in Adblock Plus extension preferences they can read name and password fields, Do you still recommend using it ? ( without any obligation)

  • ronen
    Community Member

    Got 1blocker x thanks

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @ronen - I'm really flattered by the confidence you place in us and I wish I was more at liberty to discuss some of these details with you. But the truth is: I'm just not an expert on all of the various ad blocking software out there -- though I can tell you that I use the same one you wound up with -- 1Blocker. But that's just my own personal choice, not a recommendation from 1Password or company endorsement of it. Hope that helps! :)

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