Syncing data from the iPhone application to the Mac application

Community Member

I have 1Password on my iPhone with 100+ entries. I want to add it to my Mac and sync the data from the phone to the Mac. How do I do this so that the data is imported from the iPhone to the Mac software? Thanks.

1Password Version: 7.2.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:I have been using 1Password on my iPhone and want to add it to my MAC. How do I sync them?


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @mustross! Syncing your data between devices is easy. There are multiple ways to do it, but the most robust and easiest to set up method is a membership. You can head over to the main 1Password sign-up page and create your account there. When you've got it all setup up, then on your iPhone, migrate your data from the standalone vault to your account. Once that's done, remove your now-empty Primary vault and then on your Mac, the first time you run 1Password 7 for Mac, just sign into your account, and you'll see all your data there. Let us know if you have any questions. :)

  • Jeffois
    Community Member

    What wasn't mentioned above, if you buy a stand-alone license, as opposed to the subscription, you can sync your data via iCloud or Dropbox. You set it up once, and you're good to go. It's another option, and a very useful one, but one that AgileBits doesn't like to tell customers about anymore. Or as they put it, they're "no longer marketing" the option.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Jeffois - that's correct, we don't actively market standalone 1Password setups and 3rd party sync to new users -- though anyone who goes through our website can find the links you provided.

    I'd disagree with the "set it up once and you're good to go." As someone who spends all day, five days a week assisting customers with problems they're having with 1Password, I can say definitively that sync issues using advanced, 3rd party sync methods like Dropbox or WLAN are far and away the largest - and thorniest - issue we deal with. That's the main reason we created in the first place, and why we don't market those 3rd party sync solutions to new users anymore: because we could see (ran into daily) the inherent limitations of relying on the limited-by-definition APIs of third-party sync providers who were not (obviously) focused on syncing users' 1Password data exclusively, but instead had to be able to sync everything from cat gifs to Excel spreadsheets to videos of your children. We knew we could create a much more robust, stable and feature-rich experience if we created our own data storage and sync solution from the ground we did. Three years on, and it's been a pretty remarkable success in terms of lowering users' difficulties, frustration and time spent troubleshooting issues. To be fair, not everyone who used sync before accounts had problems; if that had been the case, that every user had sync issues, we wouldn't likely have grown into a leading password manager. Many users have been using their preferred advanced sync method for years without a hitch, and that's great. We continue to sell standalone licenses and offer those advanced sync methods for those who know what they are and know they want them. But for people coming to us - or to syncing - for the first time, we recommend a account, because it's by far the best experience, and the shortest learning curve.

  • Jeffois
    Community Member
    edited October 2018

    At the risk of jinxing it, I've been a 1password customer for years, and I've used Dropbox sync the whole time, without a hitch. It really has been a set-it-and-forget-it experience. It's a terrific program. And I get why the subscription option works for many.

    But in this case, if someone is asking for sync options, while I can see why you might even emphasize the membership, to actively ignore the other options that exist is to deliberately withhold valuable information from a customer asking a specific question.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni


    ...if someone is asking for sync options, while I can see why you might even emphasize the membership, to actively ignore the other options that exist is to deliberately withhold valuable information from a customer asking a specific question.

    If someone is looking for all of our sync options, they’re available right on our website. Heck, a Google search for sync 1password turns up that link as the top hit, and the second hit is our page on how to sync with Dropbox. It's not as if we're hiding this information. With all of that available so readily, I figure if someone is still coming here and asking "How do I do this so that the data is imported from the iPhone to the Mac software?" (which is the question that was actually asked, not "what are all of my options for sync"), I figure they're looking for a recommendation for the best way to do it. Which I gave. :)

  • Jeffois
    Community Member

    Everything you say is true. I'd argue that it's a distinction without a difference between "import from one device to another" and "syncing between devices."

    Accepting the idea that membership is the best way to sync, that's still a question that operates in isolation to other factors, not least of which is wanting to have the stand-alone license.

    Still, I have a strong hunch that neither of us is going to convince the other...

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Jeffois - I can only go with what people actually say, not what I infer they might have meant, should have meant or might need to know. If a post includes "I don't like the cloud," then I will offer them (where possible) local-only options. I might try to explain how data is actually at least as secure using as it is in a 100% local-only setup, but only once.

    There's no doubt we've chosen a bit of an untenable middle-ground by retaining standalone license and advanced, 3rd party sync solutions while simultaneously choosing to not market/highlight them...but that's a function of us recognizing that a contingent of older (longer-term, not aged, LOL) customers prefer the standalone, "DIY" setup, combined with our own experience and understanding that for users new to 1Password or even to password management in general, is by far the superior experience in many respects. We're not going to be shy about saying that, nor about recommending it to newer users. Which is why you won't see us going out of our way to discuss every potential option, as if they were all equal -- because they're not.

  • Jeffois
    Community Member

    Thanks for saying “longer-term,” rather than “aged.” 8-)

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

  • Jeffois
    Community Member
    edited October 2018

    Wanted to delete comment, can't figure out how to without typing something. So this is what I'm doing.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Heh. No worries.

This discussion has been closed.