how to I sync 1Password 7 on my Mac with my iOS devices, configure the new vault in DropBox?

Community Member

Just upgraded to Mojave and started using Safari. No 1Password extension present, so I upgraded to 1Password 7. Now I cannot configure my iOS devices to use the new vault format and need help please. Thanks, and is Dropbox Sync no longer the best way to sync my devices?

1Password Version: 7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.14
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:configure new 1Password 7 vault on iOS device


  • randygerdes
    Community Member

    I switched to sync with iCloud. Now I notice that 1Password 6 is still on my Mac, and I am unable to enter a new item in 7, but when I enter one in 6, it shares it with 7. ?? How can I get rid of 6 and be able to enter new items on 7? Thank you.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @randygerdes - I'm sorry for the trouble! In 1Password 7 for Mac, we formally retired the older Agile Keychain format of sync keychain. While it was great in its day, Agile Keychain (if you can believe it) is over ten years old, and its successor, OPVault, has already been out for around five years. So, as part of the upgrade of standalone (Dropbox-synced) setups in 1Password 7 for Mac, we convert the older Agile Keychains to OPVaults. However, any other devices that had previously been syncing with the Agile Keychains will now no longer be syncing. You'll need to manually switch those other devices' sync to the new OPVault. Here's how:

    1. If sync is still turned on in any other devices, switch it off (Disable Sync).
    2. Turn sync back ON, set to Dropbox. 1Password will ask you for the sync keychain. Do NOT create a new one if offered the opportunity. Instead, search for the OPVault you create in 1Password 7 for Mac. If you don't know where that is, you can find the file-path by looking in 1Password 7 for Mac's Preferences > Sync.

    That should do it, if you want to continue with Dropbox sync. I see you switched to iCloud, however. That's fine also, but please make sure that a) all your devices are using the same iCloud account (most people have only one, but in case you've got more than one, be careful), and b) ALL your devices are switched to using iCloud.

    To delete 1Password 6 for Mac, first Quit 1Password and the Mini by typing ^⌥⌘Q (or just holding down the Control and Option keys as you choose Quit from the 1Password menu). Then just drag 1Password 6 for Mac to the trash and empty the trash. Don't use any app cleaners or uninstallers to do this, as these programs can remove more data than we want them to. Just drag the 1Password app to the Trash. That should take care of everything, but let us know if you run into any difficulties.

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