An option to stop filling already filled fields


On some password update or profile update forms, if I try command + \ shortcut, it overwrites already filled fields and even fills wrong fields.

For instance, a form has "current password" field and "new password", "new password again" fields and it fills all these fields with the current password.

Another example is a form with name, surname and current password fields, and interestingly it fills name and surname fields with my emails.

I can give more examples.

There may be a workaround for these issues but I think it is best to add an option to prevent filling already filled fields.

What do you think?


1Password Version: 7.2.1
Extension Version:
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @koraykupe,

    Incorrect filling is of course never good. It's a pain and it requires the user to correct things. Ignoring fields that are already filled though would bring its own headaches and in some cases would result in 1Password refusing to fill a sign-in page. That wouldn't happen if all pages adopted sensible approaches and made good use of already well established standards but what we find is a staggering variety in designs that 1Password needs to work with.

    We would like to learn more about where 1Password is failing though. How would you feel about sharing the URLs for the sites with us here in our public support forum?

  • koraykupe
    Community Member
    edited October 2018


    Wrong filled fields: City, Post code, street
    Wrong filled values (same order): Email, one time password, email

    Wrong filled fields: Name, surname, student type, date of birth, city, telephone number, free start date
    Wrong filled values (same order): All of them filled with my email

    URL: Customer details page
    Wrong filled fields: name, surname, mobile phone, company name, street, town, postal code, country, company reg id, tax id
    Wrong filled values (same order): All of them filled with my username

    Wrong filled fields: name, last name, nickname, city, twitter username, facebook profile, skype username
    Wrong filled values (same order): All of them filled with my email

    Wrong filled fields: Website
    Wrong filled values (same order): Username

    Wrong filled fields: name, surname, username, city, phone, messenger username, google profile url, job
    Wrong filled values (same order): All of them filled with my email

    Wrong filled fields: name, surname, title, URLs
    Wrong filled values (same order): All of them filled with my email

    I choosed a few random websites to test and none of them worked correctly. I'll update the list soon.

  • koraykupe
    Community Member

    I posted some URLs, waiting for approval.

    Do I do it wrong? I use command + \ shortcut on that pages. I think opening 1Password and choosing an appropriate Identity gives better results. But, it is supposed to fill the most appropriate item by default on command + \ shortcut. It shouldn't use the login for update info pages. Am I wrong? If so, it is not practical.

  • koraykupe
    Community Member
    edited October 2018

    duplicated msg

  • koraykupe
    Community Member

    Wrong filled fields: City, Post code, street
    Wrong filled values (same order): Email, one time password, email
    Wrong filled fields: Name, surname, student type, date of birth, city, telephone number, free start date
    Wrong filled values (same order): All of them filled with my email

    URL: Customer details page
    Wrong filled fields: name, surname, mobile phone, company name, street, town, postal code, country, company reg id, tax id
    Wrong filled values (same order): All of them filled with my username

    Wrong filled fields: name, last name, nickname, city, twitter username, facebook profile, skype username
    Wrong filled values (same order): All of them filled with my email

    Wrong filled fields: Website
    Wrong filled values (same order): Username

    Wrong filled fields: name, surname, username, city, phone, messenger username, google profile url, job
    Wrong filled values (same order): All of them filled with my email

    Wrong filled fields: name, surname, title, URLs
    Wrong filled values (same order): All of them filled with my email

    Wrong filled fields: Surname, mobile phone, job
    Wrong filled values (same order): All of them filled with my email

    Wrong filled fields: First name, last name, phone number
    Wrong filled values (same order): All of them filled with my email

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Greetings @koraykupe,

    Thank you for mentioning waiting for approval. Your posts were indeed held up in a moderation queue and I wouldn't have looked if you hadn't said something.

    To answer the other part of your post though, the ⌘\ keyboard shortcut will only ever attempt to fill with a Login item. To fill with an Identity or Credit Card item you would either want to click on the 1Password button in the browser toolbar or the 1Password icon in the macOS menu bar to first access 1Password mini or you can also use the keyboard shortcut ⌥⌘\ which is equivalent to clicking the button/icon. All three will reveal 1Password mini and allow you to pick the item to use. The 1Password X extension is doing some nice stuff in try to determine the purpose of a page but we're still quite far from being so confident that we would alter what items ⌘\ will try to fill without further user intervention.

  • koraykupe
    Community Member
    edited October 2018

    Actually, It shouldn't fill the login item if the page doesn't have a "login" item and show 1Password instead. If it is not a login form, the login item should NOT be the suggested one. I think the form detection should be improved. 1Password X is also nice but if I use it this time I miss features of the normal extension.

    To be honest, If I compare the 1Password's "detection" capabilities, it is far more behind another password manager app that I was using for a while.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @koraykupe,

    The current ⌘\ is the same behaviour that existed in 1Password 6 and back to at least version 3 - probably earlier. I can't comment from personal experience though as I first started using 1Password with version 3. While maybe a future version will change this I would hope/expect the detection would have to be extremely reliable before considering any change. Right now the behaviour of ⌘\ is consistent and predictable and that cannot be understated. Even a small rate of false detection would likely make 1Password feel unusable.

    As it stands ⌘\ is working as intended, it wasn't designed as the primary way with which to fill using an Identity or Credit Card item. For that you have the alternative keyboard shortcut, also user configurable like ⌘\ is in the General tab of 1Password's preferences. For those that aren't keyboard fans there are the button/icon with which to easily access 1Password mini.

  • koraykupe
    Community Member

    Okay, then the "Identity" item may fill the fields wrong still. So, a "don't overwrite filled fields" option would be helpful in any case.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I can see how that would be useful in some cases. It's just hard to know how many instances doing that would be a problem. It's definitely not zero, as I regularly appreciate 1Password overwriting garbage when filling. Something to consider.

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