"Wallet" entry

Community Member

I seem to remember entering information about my wallet contents in an early version of 1Password, but now I see no reference to it as a type of entry. Is this something that changed or am I dreaming? If it changed, is it still possible to recover information (having lost my wallet recently)?

1Password Version: 7.1.2
Extension Version:
OS Version: OS X 10.13.3
Sync Type: was dropbox, now 1Pass.com
Referrer: forum-search:I remember entering my wallet contents in an earlier version. Would it be recoverable?


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @eneufeld4! I'm afraid you might be mistaken about this -- or possibly remembering some other software you may have used for a similar purpose? 1Password has always encouraged people to use the various built-in templates to capture the data from their wallet contents, since, if your wallet gets stolen and you need to cancel your credit card, how do you know what telephone number to call if the number is on the credit card itself, which is in your wallet? If you enter your credit card information (number, details, phone numbers, etc) into 1Password, then you'll have that in the event of loss or theft.

    However, there's never been a specific "Wallet Contents" category in 1Password. What I've personally done in the past (and now) is enter my bank/credit cards, then attach photos of the actual card itself...but that is just me. You may have used the Bank Account, Identity or Credit Card categories to accomplish this? I really can't say, not being able to see your setup, but those are possibilities. However, if you'd done that...they should still be visible/usable to you. If you can see your other 1Password data, and you're sure you're looking at All Vaults and All Items (as opposed to just one vault, or only the Logins category), then you should be able to see all the data you've entered over time -- unless you deleted it.

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