Vault is locked after importing to new Mac

Community Member

I have a new machine and new employee that previously had a vault at their prior company. We have invited the user to our team account, imported the vault to the new machine via icloud, but now that vault is locked and not editable.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.13.6
Sync Type: icloud


  • tpoletiek
    Community Member

    Does the previous company admin need to unlock/release that account?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @tpoletiek! I'm not sure what you mean by "imported the vault to the new machine via iCloud." If your new employee was perviously a member of a 1Password Teams account at their former company, there's no way to just add that vault to your own account. Can you elaborate on what steps, specifically, you've taken?

  • tpoletiek
    Community Member

    Thanks Lars. We have a new CEO starting at my company. Her current Mac (old company) has a team account setup for 1password. She exported that vault to a thumb drive, which I imported onto her new Mac (new company). When she tries to access that vault, it's locked. Is that because the old vault is on the previous firms team account? Should we create a new personal vault on her new machine to get that imported into (then convert that account to the new company team account?

  • tpoletiek
    Community Member

    Just trying to find the best way to transfer a vault from a previous team account to a new team account. Or do we need to get a personal account to dump that to first?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @tpoletiek - what do you mean by "exported that vault to a thumb drive?" What specific steps did you/she take? If you (or she) chose File > Export > All Items, then you will have an unencrypted .1pif file (1Password interchange), which can be imported into any other current copy of 1Password. Are those the steps you took, or did you (or she) do something else?

  • tpoletiek
    Community Member

    She did the sync vault to a thumb drive.

    I'll have access to both machines in the next few hours. I'll make sure we do the file>export>all items to get that file. Is there any issues with this vault coming from a previous team version and going into a new companies team version?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @tpoletiek - if you'll have access to both machines (as well as her assistance/credentials), then you won't have any problems whatsoever. I'm still not sure I understand exactly what she did, because you can't sync a vault via any other method than the servers. She would have had to create a standalone vault, migrate her data into it (copy), then sync THAT to a folder. But as I said, it doesn't matter: if you have both machines and her permission/cooperation, then this should be easy.

    My question to you is: are you willing to allow her to sign into her NEW (yours) 1Password Teams account on the OLD Mac? That will be the easiest way: just add her account from the new 1Password Teams account at your company onto that older Mac, so that she's signed into BOTH the older 1Password Teams account from the previous company AND the new one from your company. Then use these instructions to copy all of her items from the older account's vault into the current (new) account's vault. Then, sign out of the new account on that older Mac by clicking Preferences > Accounts, selecting the new account and clicking the minus ( - ) button at the bottom left of the Preferences window to remove it. Lastly, on her "new" Mac, just install 1Password and sign into the new account, and find all her data there. No need for syncing, export or potential unencrypted files.

    If you're NOT willing (or not able) to sign into her new account on that older Mac, let me know and I'll give you slightly longer instructions for getting things moved over using a move-to-Primary-then-sync-to-folder method.

  • tpoletiek
    Community Member

    Thanks Lars. I'll keep you updated. I appreciate the help.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

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