This might be an unanswerable quesion - Watchtower 2.0 in iOS availability

Community Member
edited November 2018 in Lounge

Seeing that 1Password 7.0 for Android already has Watchtower 2.0/HIBP? When will 1Password for iOS get it. I've been impressed with the iPad Pro with USB demos.

1Password for iOS is the last version to get HIBP .

1Password Version: 1Password 7.2.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: iOS 12.1
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    You're right. 1Password for iOS has been first for a lot of things, but Watchtower 2.0 hasn't yet made its debut there. We don't have anything to announce at this time, but we'll definitely have more to say in the future. ;)

  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited November 2018

    While not optimal, will 1Password for the Web Watchtower/HIBP work? I have an iPhone SE. Tiny screens make for a lousy experience with the Web sign in.

    I commented on tiny screen use of previously. I only hope for a bit of improvement given the constraints.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    While not optimal, will 1Password for the Web Watchtower/HIBP work? I have an iPhone SE. Tiny screens make for a lousy experience with the Web sign in.

    I couldn't agree more. :lol: It's not designed for that, but if you're running the latest release of iOS (and therefore Safari) there the website will probably work. Personally though, I don't really miss Watchtower as much on mobile devices. The smaller the screen, the less actionable these things are, so I tend to look at it when I'm at a computer. Hopefully we can come up with a good way of presenting it on iOS though, even on iPhones (as best as we can). Even if not idea, having it would be better than not.

    I commented on tiny screen use of previously. I only hope for a bit of improvement given the constraints.

    I can't promise anything since it isn't a common use case, but if you do encounter issues let us know so we can look into it. :)

  • wkleem
    Community Member

    With the direction Apple is headed for device sizes, the smallest is now 5.8” with FaceID, up from 4.7” with Touch ID excluding the 4” version (3 years between SE and 5s). I will have to try but I see your point about mobile vs desktop.

    Running iOS 12 mostly although I have a 32bit CPU iOS 10.3 iPad that is rarely used.

  • wkleem
    Community Member


    Hiding Logins still isn't possible with iOS and Android and 1Password Web App? and it is platform specific so what I do in 1Password 7 for Windows doesn't work in mobile. There appears to be no way around this?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    What specifically do you mean by "hiding"?

  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited November 2018

    What I mean is, for example, micoach, an ex Adidas login which is compromised and indicated in HIBP, but Adidas purchased Runtastic and now all attempts to go to micoach now go to Runtastic. I don't go to micoach anymore but the passwords to Adidas have been changed.

    It can be marked as "hidden" in 1Password for Windows but not for 1Password for Mobile. The old Nokia logins still display in Chrome when I go to Nokia but all are now defunct. In 1Password 7 for Windows, there is a toggle : display [ ] never display in a browser.

    All logins show in 1Password for Mobile.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Indeed, if you're referring to the "Display in browser" setting, that applies only to the 1Password browser extension, not any of the apps.

    It sounds like you just need to update the URL in that login in that case though.

  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited November 2018

    Thanks for the suggestion. I needed to do so anyway because of the redirects. I have saved a new login.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

  • wkleem
    Community Member

    Regardless, I am still looking forward to improvements. :)

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