No sync setup option on 1Password 7 on IOS 12

Community Member

I had a standalone account for 1Password 6. For 1Password 7 I wanted to try the subscription. The OSX version is syncing to iCloud. I tried to setup sync on my iPad but under 1Password's setting pane there is no option to setup sync. The articles on the web say there should be a sync tab but there is none. iClould is setup on the iPad.

How do I setup sync on the iPad?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:sync


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @tbarbaro: You won't have sync settings if you've setup the app with only a membership. If you have your data on the Mac currently, you just need to migrate it to your account there:

    Then it will be available on all devices signed into your account. I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • tbarbaro
    Community Member

    I was able to do the sync from my iPhone and now I have MOST of my passwords in the subscription. It there any automated way to find/import those passwords or do I need to do it manually?


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @tbarbaro: If you're asking if 1Password can know which items you want and which you don't, and automatically copy over the former for you, the answer is no. But if you use the desktop app, you may find it helpful to sort by modified date, to find those you've made changes to most recently and copy them to the account if needed.

  • tbarbaro
    Community Member

    The issue is the sync did not copy all of my items. I am asking is there a non-manual recovery.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @tbarbaro: I don't know what "sync did not copy all of my items" means. Sync does not involve copying items at all. Can you tell me what you've done up to this point, and what you're trying to accomplish? Based on what you said earlier, it sounds like you just need to copy items from one vault to another, but if there's more to it please let me know the specifics.

  • tbarbaro
    Community Member
    edited November 2018

    Let me try again.

    I had a standalone account for 1Password 6 that synced via Dropbox. For 1Password 7 I wanted to try the subscription so the Dropbox approach was not an option. I don't remember exactly how I did it but I used my iPhone and I believe the menu option was "import". Then the screen changed to report that it was copying my items. That ran for a long time and there was no success or error report. I checked my subscription a couple of hours later and found that my subscription had some of my passwords.

    I have attached two screenshots; one for each 1Password version.

    [screenshots with private information removed by 1Password staff -- this is a public forum]

    Note the number of items. You can see that many items are missing.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @tbarbaro: Thanks for the additional details! I've removed the screenshots since it looks like one of them included a frequent flier account ID. I see what you mean about the number of items, but let's not get hung up on a number. That will include all of your vaults, not just the one you migrated to the account.

    The question is, are you missing items in your account? Please sign into it on the website and check:

    If not, then it sounds like you just need to finish setting up all of your devices the same, with only your account.

    If, however, you do not have all your data in the account, generate a diagnostic report on the device which does have all of your data so we can look at how things are setup to determine next steps:

    Please send it to and add the following Support ID (including the square brackets) to the subject of your diagnostics email before sending:

    [#EFT-77547-537 ]

    If you’re reading this and you are not tbarbaro, this Support ID is for tbarbaro only. Please ask us for your own if you also need help.

    This will link it to our current conversation. Once we see it we should be able to better assist you. Thanks in advance!

    ref: EFT-77547-537

This discussion has been closed.