Browser extension: odd change in the alphabetical listing

Community Member

I have logins for multiple members of my company's team, and I rely on the 1PW browser to list them all alphabetically.

I just added the 22st login for my company, and now, instead of being alphabetical, it has placed that 21st person on the top, and the a "Show 21 more items" line directly below it. That 22nd person isn't part of the alphabetical list, and I can't figure a way to drop it into the correct spot.

I've double-checked that all 22 items are correctly labeled (no hidden spaces, all correctly spelled). I've also tried putting one of them at the top by putting an empty space before the company name. I've also tried adding the letter 'a' at the front of the company name.

Any ideas on how to either get more than 21 to list alphabetically?

I hope this makes sense. I'm attaching a screenshot of what I'm seeing.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @tuqqer - you didn't mention what version of 1Password for Mac you're using, but that looks to be 6.x. If you're comfortable with the command line, open Terminal (inside the Utilities folder in your Applications folder), and copy the following command, then paste it into Terminal and press Return afterwards:

    • if your copy of 1Password for Mac is from the Mac App Store - defaults write OPPrefSearchResultsShowMoreLimit -int 10

    • if your copy of 1Password for Mac is from us directly - defaults write OPPrefSearchResultsShowMoreLimit -int 10

    That should get you the results you're looking for. Let us know how you get on. :)

  • tuqqer
    Community Member

    Wow. That is a brilliant fix. Works perfectly now. Thank you! (and yes, it's v6.8.9 ext 689001 ,running 10.14.1)

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @tuqqer - you are quite welcome! :) Glad I was able to assist with a little Terminal-Fu (like kung-fu, but for 1Password nerds. :wink: )

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