Does "reset all 1password data" delete online vaults/data or only the data/settings on the computer?

Community Member

We have a family account and for some reason my wife is unable to unlock the 1Password application on our Mac when she's logged in to her profile. She can log in to 1Password installed on another computer, and she can log in to everywhere so she's got her master password and secret code correct. I suspect it is the result of having reset her master password and secret code shortly after setting things up but before installing 1Password on the other computer. I'm guessing that "Reset all 1Password data" from the help->troubleshooting menu is the right place to start, but I can't tell from the documentation if this simply removes all 1Password data from her profile on our Mac or if it removes everything from her vault online. Obviously I don't want that to happen, so is that the right move?

1Password Version: 1Password 7 Version 7.2.2 (70202006)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.14.1 (18B75)
Sync Type: Family Plan
Referrer: forum-search:Does reset all 1password data delete the vault online or only on the computer?


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @adamllurie - if either she reset her own Master Password and Secret Key or you put her through Account Recovery (amounts to the same thing, for these purposes), then that might very well be the case. And no, choosing Help > Troubleshooting > Reset all 1Password Data will not delete anything at What that command does is delete all local data. Which means: the local copy of your data, including the Master Password and Secret Key needed to unlock it. It makes it so the next time you launch 1Password for Mac, it will be as if you are a new user on this Mac. So, if you have a account, you just sign into your account (with the correct credentials), and you're back to where you were.

    However, if your wife had any data in local, standalone vaults (Primary or otherwise) previously, then that data WILL be deleted by using this command.

  • adamllurie
    Community Member

    Thank you! Resetting worked perfectly, and after quitting and reopening 1Password all her vaults reappeared. I was concerned about pulling the trigger without confirming I wouldn’t be deleting her vaults from our family account, that’d have been the end for me... ;) I’m curious, is this information somewhere and I missed it?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @adamllurie - awesome! Glad to hear the process went smoothly for you.

    I’m curious, is this information somewhere and I missed it?

    Not in a form that would be easy to get to via typing your specific situation into our support pages’ search bar, or, probably, Google either. But we do indeed have instructions for how to start over, and we encourage people with either unusual cases or doubts/questions about whatever they're doing to get in touch with us here; that's why we're here after all -- to help. :)

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