Categories don't show in 1P mini

Community Member

On an inconsistent basis, 1P mini won't show the names of the categories:

This also happens in Chrome sometimes.

I can't associate this with anything. Sometimes the categories are there, sometimes they aren't.

1Password Version: 7.2.2
Extension Version: 7.2.2 (in Safari)
OS Version: 10.14.1
Sync Type: 1P


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited December 2018

    @camner - well, you win the That's A New One On Me™ award for today. :lol: In fact, one of our Mac developers hadn't seen it either.

    That's not to say we don't believe you or don't want to help, just that we're starting from a place of being as stumped as you are on this one, especially if you say you notice no pattern to it.

    So, a couple of questions: when you see this behavior in 1Password mini, do you see the same thing in the main app? Or are the categories visible in the main window? That might help us narrow down where specifically the problem is coming from.

    Also, in your screenshot, that appears to be a particular vault. If you switch away from that vault to a different one, then back to this one, does the problem remain? Or does it display normally when you do that?

  • camner
    Community Member

    Sorry for the slow reply...I didn’t see the notification email (for some unknown reason).

    Thanks for the award! It’s not every day that my talents for finding bizarre bugs are recognized 😏

    Since it doesn’t happen every day, I’ll have to wait until the next time it pops up to look into your questions.

    [On a completely unrelated topic, is there a way of getting the @(username) in a reply without just typing “@“ followed by the first few letters? For example, if I do that with @Lars I get 3 hits of usernames that begin that way, and I have to guess which one is you!]

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @camner - thanks -- definitely look into those questions I asked, the next time you see it (don't spook it! ;) ). Our forum software is Vanilla, and I have the same issue you do -- it just "helpfully" suggests whatever it thinks is the most-likely username you'll be wanting. However, if you just keep typing, it usually narrows it down.

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