Option to remove Warning about Password beeing used twice

Community Member

I do have quiet a few Company Logins for different servers but with the same company login, so of course the password is being used more than once and I am not able to change them - as they are all connected to my company and one account.

So now, of course, I am getting a warning that I am using the same password on more than one login, etc. and with 1Password Mini I always have to scroll to actually get to my login information because of the huge warning.

1Password Version: 7.2.2
Extension Version:
OS Version: macOS 10.14.1
Sync Type: 1Password.com


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @rosenkrieger - yep, that's a use case for which re-used passwords are unavoidable. :( Fortunately (for others, not so much for you), it's not that common a use-case. Most "regular" 1Password users might have multiple accounts in one or two places (Twitter, Gmail), but they can use different passwords for each one. I realize this doesn't help you at all with what you've observed, but at this point, we're considering how to accommodate and help you out without giving less-savvy users the ability to essentially defeat a feature (Reused Passwords notification) without perhaps even realizing it. I don't have anything to announce on that score just now, but we are indeed likely to be making some adjustments to this among other things in upcoming releases. Thanks for your patience until then. :)

  • rosenkrieger
    Community Member

    Thank you for responding.

    Maybe have an option when selecting "related objects" to be able to choose to let 1P ignore the same passwords.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @rosenkrieger - thanks for the suggestion. That's certainly one possibility; we want to make sure a) whatever we do works reliably without creating other problems and b) that it's difficult or impossible to inadvertently misuse the feature. :)

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