You turned me from one of your biggest fans to your WORST!!!!

Community Member
edited December 2018 in Mac

Ok, so I was probably one of 1Password's biggest fans and now I am its biggest hater. Why?

A few weeks ago my iMac died and so I bought one of the new Mac Mini's running Mojave.

I have to reinstall everything (but I have copies) and one of the first things that I do is install 1Password. Having installed it I run it and it tells me that I have to send $49.95! I already owned it, but I though "I love this product ...I cannot live without it" so I send you the $49.95.

Next, I need to install the Safari extension so I install that. I have to restart Safari several times and then reboot my computer and when I come to click on the 1Password extension it tells me that it wants me to subscribe to your service for $2.99 a month AFTER I JUST GAVE YOU $49.95 TO BUY YOUR [removed] PRODUCT!!!!! WHAT THE [removed - please review the forum rules you agreed to upon signing up]!!!

HOW MUCH MORE MONEY DO YOU WANT FROM ME? Really? Your greed has just cost you a loyal customer.

How do I get my $49.95 back, or do I have to call me credit card company to do that.

You just scammed me.

1Password Version: 7.2.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.14.1
Sync Type: Mac


  • Ben
    edited December 2018

    Hi @pforkes

    I understand that you are frustrated but this is a family friendly forum and profanity is not tolerated. Please review the Forum Rules & Reminders which you agreed to while signing up to post here. Thanks for understanding.

    I'd be happy to help you with this difficulty. There are two ways of using 1Password:

    1. 1Password membership (recommended): Membership is a subscription service that includes everything that 1Password has to offer.
    2. Standalone licensing: Licenses enable one person to use the version of 1Password that they've purchased. They do not include upgrades (newer versions), and they do not include the service.

    You purchased a standalone license. It is not necessary to have both a license and a membership. Either or will suffice, though again we'd recommend going the membership route. If you want to go that route we'll be happy to apply the amount you've paid for your license to your membership subscription. If you decide to stick with licensing we'd be happy to help you troubleshoot why the Safari extension is asking you to pay for a membership.

    You can read more about membership here:

    About 1Password membership

    Please let us know how you'd like to proceed.


  • pforkes
    Community Member

    Ben, thank you for your reply. But I am still confused.

    I have bought the product THREE TIMES!

    • I started by buying the NON Apple App Store version.
    • Then you brought out the Apple App Store version that stored the information on iCloud. That was a feature that I wanted (so that I could share my passwords across my iPhone, iMac and iPad). So I then bought that version (purchase #2).
    • Next I replaced my iMac with a Mac mini and when I installed 1Password on my Mac mini I. was told that I. had to buy it again - which I did (purchase #3).**

    I have bought your product THREE TIMES but (if I understand correctly) if I want to use it, then I have to ALSO pay a monthly subscription plan?

    Let's stick with the licensing route. I do not like owing people money. I like to OWN my software.

    HOWEVER, I do not want to find myself on the phone to your support (for hours) while you try to figure out why your software does not work (but seems to to work very well at asking me for money).

    I cannot find a phone number for your support. How do we get this sorted out ASAP?

    ** Why did I need to buy this product again, because the hard drive died?

  • pforkes
    Community Member

    Can someone please help me troubleshoot why the Safari extension is asking me to pay for a membership??????

  • Hi @pforkes

    Licenses do not include upgrades; that's why you'd paid for 1Password multiple times. You've purchased different versions of it. For example your Mac App Store purchase granted you access to 1Password for Mac up through v6. Version 7 required a separate purchase. The alternative for paying for each new version is membership.

    We don't offer telephone support. We offer support via this public forum and via private email. To troubleshoot the issue you're having with the extension I'd like to ask you to create a diagnostics report from your Mac:

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (Mac)

    Attach the diagnostics to an email message addressed to

    With your email please include:

    • A link to this thread:
    • Your forum username: pforkes

    That way I can "connect the dots" when I see your diagnostics in our inbox.

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number.  Please post that number here so I can track down the diagnostics and ensure that this issue is dealt with quickly. :)

    Once I see the diagnostics I'll be able to better assist you. Thanks very much!


  • pforkes
    Community Member


  • Doug in Alaska
    Doug in Alaska
    Community Member

    I'm going to agree with pforkes on this one. I've been a 1Password user from nearly day one. I really don't care what Microsoft and Adobe are doing with membership licensing, I refuse to do it. I have no intention of subscribing to software licensing and paying an annual fee. I'm somewhat worried now because I have the standalone license on my iMac, iPad and iPhone. I'll be shutting my iPhone down in a few months (belongs to the company I work for but I bought the license) because I plan to move on. I'll need to buy an iPhone replacement (personal, non work) and I guess I'll need to buy another license. 1Password is getting a little too expensive for my taste. Yes, it has been a wonderful password manager but I'm getting a little tired of the fees required to keep up with the upgrades. JMHO

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Doug in Alaska: I understand that, all things being equal, it's preferable to not have to pay, but unfortunately we're not able to work for free. You're entitled to use the specific version you purchased. Using the new version means you'd need to pay for the new version though. That hasn't changed, and it sounds like you're familiar with upgrade purchases, so I'm not sure what the confusion is. I think it's fair if you're paid for the work you do too. :blush:

    But, to be clear, if you purchased a 1Password license, that's yours to use, not the company's (it only would be if they'd purchased it). Put another way, a 1Password license is for you, not for a specific computer or use case. So long as you have a compatible device, you can continue using it. So hopefully that is a bit of a silver lining for you. :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @pforkes: Thank you! We'll take a look at the diagnostics and get back to you shorty.

    ref: UAT-96394-985

This discussion has been closed.