I have an account - do I still need to backup 1pw 7?

Community Member

I use Mac Mojave os, with 1pw app and apps on 2 ios devices as well. I've been backing up the desktop app to icloud. Would like to change to dropbox, but wondering if backing up is even necessary since I also have a family account (which we love)? What is the relationship between the app and my account sync?
Using Safari v. 12.0.2 and Chrome v. 71.0.3578.80 for browsing. Btw, Safari connected to my ipw app rather than accepting the extension? Don't understand that either? Thanks!

1Password Version: 7.2.2
Extension Version: Chrome, Safari above
OS Version: 10.14.2
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: forum-search:1pw 7 on mac and account


  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    Hello there @crotchetymama

    If you have and are using a 1Password membership then you do not need to worry about syncing or backups at all. All of that is taken care of by your membership. Anything placed in your membership vaults, the ones called Private and Shared, are automatically synced by the app through your membership, no 3rd party services like Dropbox or iCloud necessary.

    As for Safari that's because Safari 12 switched to using App Extensions rather than traditional browser extensions. Everything is working as it should be.

  • crotchetymama
    Community Member

    On followup? I had the app before i got the family account. My app still calls my vault "Personal" not "Private". I assume they behave the same? Thank you, Corey.
    I figured it would be simple because 1PW is so easy to use! I appreciate it, and thanks for explaining things to me.

  • Corey_C
    Community Member


    Yeah, they're the same thing, just a different name. The only time there is a difference you need to worry about is if you have a vault called "Primary".

  • crotchetymama
    Community Member


  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    Happy to help. :)

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