Cannot use or upgrade '.agilekeychain' vaults, terribly confusing user experience.

Community Member

I've recently upgraded to 1PW7 with a subscription (on a new laptop install). After upgrading it appears that I can no longer use any of the shared vaults in my Dropbox folder that had the extension '.agilekeychain'.

From reading other threads you suggest that this is somehow the users fault for using a '10 year old format' ( . However this is my actual user experience....

  • When I try to open this vault I am presented with a popup telling me I can't use the vault. When I click on the 'Learn More' it takes me to this support article ( which (a) references the 'latest' version of 1PW as being version 6 (it isn't). (b) Assumes that I already HAVE the vaults in my version of 1PW locally in order to convert them (I don't). So this support article doesn't help me.

  • These vaults are still usable in the latest iOS version of 1PW (why the inconsistency?). This has left me in the absurd situation of having to open 1PW on my phone, access the PW from the vault on iOS then copy the password on my phone, and paste in on my desktop.

  • I was never previously prompted that these vaults were in a legacy format or I would have previously converted them on an older version of 1PW, there seems to have been no strategy from you to migrate these vaults but instead have just broken/removed access to them.

Can you provide instructions for how I can use these vaults on desktop?

1Password Version: 7.2.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.14.1
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:asdad


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @calumbrodie!

    When I click on the 'Learn More' it takes me to this support article ( which (a) references the 'latest' version of 1PW as being version 6 (it isn't).

    I'm sorry for the confusion. That article doesn't refer to 1Password 6 for Mac as the latest version, what it says is that you need to be on at least version 6 (and should be on the most-recent version). In other words, 1Password 6 (on iOS and Mac) is the minimum required to use OPVault reliably; it's not the most recent version. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

    Assumes that I already HAVE the vaults in my version of 1PW locally in order to convert them (I don't).

    Indeed, the article does assume this, since switching from an existing version (.agilekeychain) to the current version (.opvault) is the point of the article. If you migrated from an older setup that included Agile Keychains directly to a account, you should not have needed to switch these vaults, because the import should've been handled for you.

    From reading other threads you suggest that this is somehow the users fault for using a '10 year old format'

    Not users' "fault," no. But we did have to make the decision to formally retire Agile Keychain, since we've been urging users to switch for years to the newer OPVault format, and still have many users hanging onto the older Agile Keychain. It's certainly possible they're just not aware of the newer format, but at this point we felt it was better to force users to leave the past behind and deal with any confusion, rather than continue allowing use of a deprecated format that limits what we can do to move 1Password forward.

    But if you're using a account, neither of those formats should be relevant to you, because both Agile Keychains and OPVaults are forms of sync keychain only used by standalone 1Password. Once you convert your data to, none of those older keychains are needed or even usable.

    Can you provide instructions for how I can use these vaults on desktop?

    I'm not entirely clear what you want to do. Are you trying to use older standalone vaults in addition to your account's vaults? If so, that's not a configuration we recommend. It's possible, but the use-cases for it are a lot fewer than many people imagine, and the potential for issues arising from using both standalone and vaults are greater than people realize. Or are you just trying to open these older vaults so you can import them into your account? If so, that's much more easily done. It will help if you can clarify for me a bit more what you're trying to achieve -- were you previously using 1Password 6 for Mac on this same Mac? If so, when you upgraded to 1Password 7 for Mac, what specific steps did you take? And what vaults do you have now, in 1Password 7 for Mac? If you visit Preferences > Vaults, what do you see? What is the number of vaults you have there, and what are their names? Are there other vaults you had in version 6 that are NOT in version 7?

  • calumbrodie
    Community Member

    Hi Lars,

    Thanks for the quick reply.

    So the use case is that I have a bunch of vaults on dropbox that I share with other people, some of whom are on still on 1PW6 (and dont have a subscription). Therefore I can't just import the data into my own 1pw account.

    I'm aware you don't recommend using standalone vaults in addition to, (which is why the option to do so is buried in the advanced settings), however I cant see any way around it for our current use case. I currently have 3 vaults, my own 'primary' local vault is empty though (I migrated everything personal to, but I needed to create this local primary vault in order to allow importing synced vaults via dropbox).

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @calumbrodie - if the data you want to continue accessing via standalone setup/Dropbox sync is still in the Agile Keychain format, being used by people still on 1Password 6 for Mac, and you've got a Shared Dropbox folder setup to sync the data between you, then what you should probably do is have one of them use the instructions to convert from Agile Keychain to OPVault. You didn't say how many people are sharing these vaults, but, for each vault, every single person who needs to share this data will have to switch their own individual sync setup from the old Agile Keychain to the new OPVault. Not convert the data (only one person will need to do that), but switch from using the older Agile Keychain to using the new OPVault. I'd have one of the people who's still using the Agile Keychain do the conversion process, then delete the older Agile Keychain and message or email everyone else that they need to re-connect immediately to the newer OPVault which will be in the same location. For yourself, you can simply open your Dropbox folder and double-click the new OPVault to open it in 1Password 7 for Mac, once the other person has created it.

  • calumbrodie
    Community Member

    Thanks Lars - I'll try that out. Seems incredibly simple when you lay it out like that!

    I'll let you know if that works.

    Best Regards and happy holidays.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @calumbrodie - I'm glad you think so! I had been frankly worrying that this process might be fraught with missteps; it's pretty delicate. In the days before accounts, the ONLY way to share/sync 1Password data with other people was via the use of a Dropbox share -- setting up the share via Dropbox, and then making sure each user synced to the correct keychain in the proper Dropbox folder. We no longer actively support that option, precisely because of how fragile it was and how many easy ways there were to get things confused -- and also because we built a much simpler-to-use and robust option in That's actually what I'd recommend for you and your associates: a 1Password Teams account. If you regularly work with people who all need access to the same data, this will be a much more reliable and trouble-free setup than what you're trying to accomplish.

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