1Password7 not totally quitting

Community Member

I just upgraded to 7 from some version of 6. My new version is 7.2.4. I believe I originally purchased 1 Password from the Agile Bits web site years ago. When I completed the upgrade there are only 2 files from 1 Password in my Mac's application folder: 1 Password 7 and 1Password.app.zip. There are no earlier versions to delete.
When I open the main application from the dock and then choose quit from the 1 Password 7 menu item the application appears to quit, but the small iPassword icon (which does not self identify when I hover over it - as it should; the DropBox icon next to it does) continues to open 1 Password with all my information available and working. Same goes for the icon in my browser, Safari.
This is alarming. What's up?


1Password Version: 7.2.4
Extension Version: 7.2.4
OS Version: OS 10.13.6
Sync Type: WLAN


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @jpaulsokal - this is behaving as expected. Most users want to keep 1Password's functions running, but not have the main window open. So, that's what the traditional quit (⌘Q) does: it quits (hides) the main app, but keeps 1Password running in the menubar (and your browser) so you can keep using it. If you want to FULLY quit 1Password, you'll need to Quit 1Password 7 Completely by typing ^⌥⌘Q (or just holding down the Control and Option keys as you choose Quit from the 1Password menu).

    The zip file you mentioned is 1Password 7 having zipped up the previous version (6) in your Applications folder. This is also functioning as expected, since having multiple copies of 1Password on your hard drive can cause problems for launching the incorrect version of 1Password mini. Instead of deleting it, it's zipped up in case you need it. If you're sure you won't, you can drag that to the trash and delete it yourself. Hope that helps! :) :+1:

  • jpaulsokal
    Community Member

    Thanks. On reflection, this seems like a fine feature. My computer is password protected, so I can just put it to sleep if concerned about stepping away from it. I didn't have the feature 1PW 6 and earlier.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @jpaulsokal - to be clear, you can also set 1Password's timeout parameters in Preferences > Security, and I'd recommend you do this if you use your Mac in an environment you're uncertain of (like a public space).

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