App seems to be launched "Slowly" After updating to latest version

Community Member

When I updated to latest version, it has become very slow.
it took me about 1 min to unlock app. (usually 3 second before)
The app seems to be in busy state. (color busy circle appeared when key in Master Password)
Is there Issue like this for new version?

1Password Version: 7.2.4
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.14.2
Sync Type: 1password


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @andrehuang - no, there isn't an across-the-board issue of this nature. A minute-plus unlock time is quite out of the ordinary, however, we'd be happy to help you troubleshoot it. The first thing I'd make sure to do is restart your Mac, and try unlocking again after restart with a fresh system state. Does the problem persist?

  • andrehuang
    Community Member

    I have tried "restart" and "debug mode". And the lag behavior persists.
    But I still found that my "Touch ID failed(missing device)"... (I don't know if there is dependence)

    Now, any operation(APP and MENU setting) in 1p app (OSX) will take a bit long time to step forward.
    (seems something response late or no response)

    BTW, I'm trying to restore MAC to older backup in TimeMachine to see what happen.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @andrewhuang - if you restore previous user accounts, you will likely have problems with Touch ID, for reasons outlined in this post. If that happens, let me know.

  • andrehuang
    Community Member

    @Lars Oh...
    my process during debug

    -- -- discover lag issue in 1p app -- --
    (forced restart app many time because I think it might crashed.Finally I found it just take long time to response )

    1.install 1p again (from website download) - don't solve
    2.clear reinstall 1p and install previous version of 1p (same user account) - don't solve
    3.clear reinstall 1p and install latest version - don't solve

    -- -- touch id missing -- --
    4. try to see if there is any setting wrong...and found my TOUCH ID function missing
    5. try to setup touch id in mac preferences, but got the message:
    "You can’t open the “Touch ID” preferences pane because it is not available to you at this time."
    "To see this preferences pane, you may need to connect a device to your computer."

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @andrehuang - these sound like problems way outside the scope of 1Password; if you cannot enable Touch ID at all on your Mac, you'll need to approach Apple about this.

  • andrehuang
    Community Member
    edited December 2018

    @Lars I see and I just let you know all the situations i met.

    I just don't know if there is dependence between touch id hardware failure and lag issues of 1password.

    It might be that touch id failure cause the lag... (I'll check with apple to see if it's broken with touch id) . According to the related posts you mentioned,Changes in 1password seems to be related to touch id...

    In my early normal update(auto update) to latest version, the message box shows " update fail..can't find the app..(in Chinese)". And then discover issues later. Therefore I still need to verify what happened to my mac and why 1p will be lag in process.

  • andrehuang
    Community Member
    edited December 2018

    However, I forget doing that ( I restored OSX 2 days ago in another macbook).
    I have installed 1password in 2 macbook (same apple id). I have restored one macbook few days ago.
    Does this kind of operation affect touch id control? (and then cause the lag due to setting conflict?)

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @andrehuang - definitely. The bottom line here is that you'll need to get rid of that keychain, and let macOS 10.14 (“Mojave”) create a new keychain for you. This will "reset" the broken parts of the interaction between the keychain and the Secure Enclave Processor, and you should be able to use Touch ID with 1Password again. We'll need to do this in the Terminal, which is in the Utilities folder inside your Applications folder.

    WARNING - only do the following if you have made a FULL backup of your hard drive first; this will destroy all keychain data and re-create the keychain:

    • Open Terminal and enter this command: sudo mv ~/Library/Keychains ~/Desktop
    • Restart your Mac.

    If I were you, I'd keep the moved keychain folder on your desktop or elsewhere for a while, just in case you need to recover any of its data. Let me know how that works for you.

  • andrehuang
    Community Member
    edited December 2018

    After the restore from TimeMachine, touch ID comes back without any other process.
    In the init setup process, it needs to setup touch id fingerprint. (also confirm that it's not the hardware issue)
    But indeed, touch id function is highly related to 1password.
    I think you need to be aware of that if there is any possible to get touch id feature broken from update or operation in 1password.

    Thanks for the rapid response.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @andrehuang - I'm not sure I understand what you mean when you say "highly related to 1Password." It's not at all related in that 1Password cannot affect the functionality of Touch ID on the rest of your Mac. We can (and do) call the system Touch ID process, but once we do, everything from that point on is handled by macOS, which returns to us a "yes" or "no" value for the fingerprint provided. We don't have any deeper interaction with it than that -- and not much insight into, let alone control over - the process.

  • andrehuang
    Community Member

    @Lars - The conclusion is reasonable. But I don't know the exact workflow and I/O data in the touch id authentication mechanism.
    If 1password just call some kinds of function and just get output result, absolutely it have no chance to affect touch ID. But if you input some parameters into OSX function. It might trigger some bug in OSX. I'm just curious about the reason why I met the lag issue (and missing touch id for whole mac : this issue supposed not be caused by 1password).

    According to the information I get, the most possible reason why 1p becomes lag is touch id missing.
    But don't know why my touch ID feature got away from mac. (I'll contact apple to ask for some reasons)


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

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