Unable to update to 6.8.9

Community Member

I am running 1P 5.4.3 on High Sierra. Every day, I get a reminder to update to 6.8.9. I download and attempt to install but, when I get to the screen headed "Select a Destination", there are two options: "Install for all users of this computer" (which is already selected) and "Install for me only" (which is greyed out). However, this is as far as the install will go, because the "Continue" button below is also greyed out, and NEVER becomes active, no matter how long I wait. The only active option is the "Go Back" button. I have downloaded 6.8.9 on multiple occasions and, each time, this problem occurs, so I simply can't proceed with the update .......... Sorry to bother the forum with this very basic question — I logged a problem report with 1P back on December 11th (to which I received only an automated reply), and have since then sent three (3) further follow-up emails, but have never had any response.

1Password Version: 5.4.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.13.6
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:Update problem


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Z80AL: Thanks for reaching out. It's no bother. When you keep sending new emails, you end right back at the "newest" part of the inbox, and we're working our way from the "oldest". Sorry about that. :blush:

    A lot has happened since 1Password for Mac version 5 was discontinued almost exactly 3 years ago. It cannot talk to our new(er) update servers. But you can install the last release of version 6 from our update site directly:


    However, 1Password 6 was discontinued when we released version 7 a while back, and is not compatible with Safari going forward, and won't receive updates for compatibility with future OS and browser changes either. So you may want to consider upgrading. You can get the latest version along with all of our apps and updates as part of a 1Password membership, which also includes the web interface, and does away with license management and sync configuration altogether — you simply login to your account to authorize a device and access your data. You can try it for free for 30 days to take advantage of all of its benefits.

    I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • Z80AL
    Community Member

    Thanks, Brenty. Unfortunately, downloading from the link you supplied goes only one step further — yes, I now get to the "Standard install on 'Macintosh HD'" screen (see attached screenshot), but then there's still no further progress. (I waited at least 15 minutes for the "Install" button to become active, but it never does.) All other software installs as per normal on this Mac, so I'm at a loss as to why 1P refuses to install ..... P.S. Just tried the same download/install on a second iMac (also running High Sierra), also with exactly the same result i.e. it wouldn't activate the "Install" button, no matter how long I waited.

  • Z80AL
    Community Member

    Sorry, correction to previous post — second iMac is running El Capitan (10.11), but problem symptoms are the same as those on the High Sierra machine.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Z80AL: I'm sorry to hear that. It works here, so I'm not sure what the issue would be on your Macs. Have you tried rebooting? Drag the existing copy of 1Password to the Trash first to make sure it doesn't end up running on startup.

  • Z80AL
    Community Member

    Brenty, I have deleted 1P5 and rebooted numerous times, but the problem persists — the install simply will not proceed, without any explanation or diagnostics! (I could perhaps understand a weird local problem with one Mac, but on two, running different OS'es? (High Sierra and El Capitan). ..... Given that all other software installs in recent days are working just fine (on both Macs), doesn't that suggest a problem with the 1P6 install rather than a problem with both Macs?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Z80AL: Not really, or we'd have had other people reporting the same thing for the last 3 years, since 1Password 6 was released at the beginning of 2016. There definitely seems to be a problem, but it seems to be specific to your setup -- which could certainly be similar between multiple devices you configured. I can't reproduce the issue here (otherwise I would have never been able to install 1Password 6 either), and I have no way of knowing, based on the limited information you've given me so far, why this is happening only to you. Do you have other software that is running on both machines which may be interfering? It's more common on Windows, but "security" software can interfere with installation and operation of other apps -- pretty much by design, though the intent is ostensibly to protect against malicious software. I'm not sure what to look for exactly, and you'd probably be in a better position to know what the commonality would be, but I'll be happy to take a look at a diagnostic report if you'll send one:


    Please send it to support@1password.com and add the following Support ID (including the square brackets) to the subject of your diagnostics email before sending:


    If you’re reading this and you are not Z80AL, this Support ID is for Z80AL only. Please ask us for your own if you also need help.

    This will link it to our current conversation. But again, no guarantees since it's a bit of a needle in a haystack.

    ref: FAR-16573-775

  • Z80AL
    Community Member

    Brenty, thanks for your continuing efforts — sorry to be a pain with this, but it really has me beat, particularly as 1P is the only software I'm having issues with on either Mac. Yes, I am running Sophos Anti-Virus, but shutting that down doesn't make any difference to the problem - 1P 6 still won't install. ..... Problem report has been generated as requested and sent. Thank you.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Z80AL: Not a problem at all! Thanks for checking. We'll take a look at the diagnostics. In the mean time though, you could try restarting in Safe Mode:


    It may install there. Let me know.

  • Z80AL
    Community Member

    Thanks, Brenty — I'll leave it with you. FYI, I also had tried starting in Safe Mode (positively verified by "System Software Overview" screen), but it made no difference when I tried the 1P 6 install — still refused to proceed, with "Continue" button greyed out.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Thank you for confirming. We'll continue the conversation via email after going through the logs.

  • Z80AL
    Community Member

    Kudos to Brenty for persisting in diagnosing this problem, which turned out to be simple but obscure. (I'm logging it here to close the discussion, purely to assist anyone else who encounters a similar weird problem.) After back-and-forthing with Brent with console/install logs, restarting in Safe Mode, cleaning out old 1P archives etc. etc. (none of which helped), he suggested that I try dismounting all my disks other than the Mac OS drive. I did, and the install immediately went ahead! Neither Brent nor I had much idea as to why the presence of those disks was causing a problem (since they were in no way directly related to the install on the Mac OS disk), but it could perhaps be that I have quite a few (18) external partitions, which is probably way more than most Macs would have. I also had exactly the same problem with a second Mac (which also had a large number of external partitions), and the 1P install issue on that was also solved by first dismounting the non-essential disks. So ..... if you encounter a similar problem in an install, it may be worth trying a similar approach(?)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Indeed, glad it all worked out. I really appreciate you updating the thread. Cheers! :chuffed:

This discussion has been closed.