Only have ALL my log in info's on my iPad 1password & am now locked out of iPad where ios info is.
I pay once a month and to 1password.
Could not rember my ipad log in info, it is only on my 1passward on that iPad. Never forget my login but did that time and am now locked out.
As never use it I also forgot the iPad email, also on 1passward.
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Got locked out of my ipad where ALL log in info's are only on my 1passward
@KattB: (Un)fortunately AgileBits has neither access to your 1Password data nor the Master Password used to secure it, so this isn't something we can 'reset' for you to help directly. However, please try the tips in this guide as they may help you gain access again:
Alternatively, if you're part of a 1Password Family or Team, another Owner, Organizer, or Admin can help you recover your account, so you can create a new Secret Key and Master Password:
You can try as many times as you want. You won’t be “locked out”, but you will not be able to access your data unless you can enter the required Master Password correctly. Do you have your Emergency Kit? Are you able to access your data in 1Password on any of your devices?
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I am have 100+ log in info
On my 1passward and only it. Including
My email and apple pw.
I use finger print to get into apple.
Even if I I get a computer
ITunes without looking at
1password, which I also us fingerprint for,
I do not have the info.
I was hoping 1password kept a backup.
Only me on they account and only have and
use my ipad. I put the right login code on iPad I am sure but says I did not. The problem also is I have 8 different Google emails and use different ones for different log ins, but using only 4 I use most of the time and know.0 -
@KattB: If you are storing your encrypted data in a membership subscription account, there is a backup of it. But you still need your account credentials to be able to access it. Otherwise it cannot be decrypted. We don't have access to anyone's data, so we cannot allow you or the bad guys access to it either. That's fundamental to the security of all 1Password users.
We just don't ever have either your Secret Key or Master Password, as that wouldn't be very secure at all. The Master Password is chosen by you, and the Secret Key is generated locally on your device. Neither is ever transmitted. We don't have access to your data can't recover either of these for you. You would be able to find your Secret Key in one of the following places though:
- Your Emergency Kit
- In the app on an authorized device, under Preferences/Settings > Account
- In an authorized browser in your account's Profile page:
I hope you're able to find your Emergency Kit, or have another authorized device where you can view your Secret Key. Otherwise it will not be possible to login to your 1Password Account. But, as I mentioned above, if you're part of a 1Password Family or Team, another Owner, Organizer, or Admin can help you recover your account, so you can create a new Secret Key and Master Password:
If you don't have it stored anywhere else, you will need to start over. There just isn't any way around that. But if you'll let me know what you have to work with, I'll be happy to help walk you through things.
Did you backup your 1Password data at some point?
Did you copy it to other devices, or sync it somewhere?
Let me know and we'll go from there.