Safari Extension not working in 11.1.2 with 7.2.4

Community Member

I just updated an older computer running 10.3 to 7.2.4 and Safari extension is installed but greyed out and in red it say Inc....ari

1 password keeps moving to the front when I use Safari. I've tried uninstalling the extension and reinstalled it numerous times.

1Password Version: 7.2.4
Extension Version: 4.7.3
OS Version: 10.13.16
Sync Type: 1 password cloud


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @jglongisland: I don't understand this part:

    in red it say Inc....ari

    But it sounds like you may have a compatibility problem. The extension version you listed will not work in Safari going forward, as Apple is discontinuing the old .safariextz format.

    You'll need to remove the extension, update Safari completely (might as well update macOS too, while you're at it), restart, and then you should be good to go. 1Password itself now has the new Safari App Extension built in, so there's nothing you need to install there. Let me know how it goes. :)

  • cable
    Community Member

    Googling "Inc....ari" actually brought me right here :)

    I'm not using the safariextz but the extension which is bundled in the 1Password application:

    So removing the extension appears not to be possible:

    For what it's worth, I'm ok with this not working because I'm not yet using the most recent versions of all sorts of stuff and will just have to update the OS at some time, just didn't find the time yet... I'm mostly curious what exactly the culprit is.

    Thank you for being awesome.

    MacOS 10.13.4 (17E199)
    1Password 7.2.5 (70205002)
    AgileBits Store
    Safari Version 11.1 (13605.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @cable: Yeah that's pretty weird. Glad you found this thread! :)

    The problem you're having, best I can tell, is that you've got an outdated version of Safari. The new Safari App Extension will only work with Safari 12 or higher. That is also available for High Sierra, but there are a lot of good reasons to upgrade your OS too. Updating should get you back up and running, and that's really the only viable solution since Apple is killing the old extensions and the gallery that hosts them anyway. Otherwise you'll need to use a different browser with 1Password 7. Anyway, let me know how it goes!

  • Colins2
    Community Member

    My Safari extension did stop working but I just upgraded my OS today to 10.14.4 which presumably included a Safari update, and now it all works fine again. I don't think I had an outdated version of Safari as I generally update software when Apple tells me there is one available. Luckily, Chrome worked so I switched temporarily to that.
    BUT!!! Please see other thread re. Chrome

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    You listed "Safari Version 11.1 (13605.". Safari 12 was released last year, and has some stuff that 1Password's Safari App Extension depends on. Glad that updating helped. :)

  • RH512A
    Community Member

    I had this same issue, however the how I got there is different. After the updates to High Sierra this week my 2017 MacBook Pro decided it would not boot, continually crashing. Went into recovery and reinstalled system (High Sierra) which took me back to Safari 11. App Store was NOT showing me updates, strangely. Finally downloaded SecUpd2019-003HighSierra and installed it, which took a while and many restarts. Then finally Safari 12 popped into App Store updates. Now all is good.

    Glad I found this thread to help sort it out.

  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    Great to hear that you got it all sorted @RH512A. :)

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