How do I create the same new general login for my 1Pass desktop and extensions?
There used to be a "create new login" button but I can't find it anymore. Am I losing my mind?
Please advise..
1Password Version: 7.2.2 and 6.?? and IOS versions
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OX 10.4.2
Sync Type: Cloud
Referrer: forum-search:How do I create the same new login for my 1Pass desktop and extensions?
@Peter Donald - I'm not really qualified to advise you whether you're losing your mind. ;)
Seriously, though, can you be more specific? Where do you recall seeing this button? Are you referring to the 1Password mini, or the main app? There's always been a plus button in the main app that allows you to select what type of item you're trying to create...but that's NOT the recommended way to create new Login items. In general, you should allow 1Password's internal logic to capture new Login items for you automatically: just visit the URL of the sign-in page of the account you want to save in 1Password, enter your credentials manually by typing or copy/paste, and when you click the "Submit" button or press enter, 1Password should offer to save the new item for you (or edit a saved item, if you already have one and these credentials are different from those). Here’s a fuller explanation. Hope that helps! :)