The state of 1Password in mobile

Community Member
edited January 2019 in Lounge

1Password has been around a long time existing on Apple platforms, Windows and more recently on Android. Has Android eclipsed iOS as theoretically 1Password X for Firefox should be able to run on Android as Firefox can support extensions? Some people are lamenting that IOS is still more locked down than the desktop versions. Cannot convert (passwords) to logins from iOS but only from the desktop versions of 1Password?

I have noticed that HIBP is already in Android but not in the iOS version.

I have to assume that matching desktop functionality in mobile is way off?


  • Hi @wkleem

    I would argue that mobile operating systems themselves still have not "caught up" with desktop operating systems. Until / unless that happens I'm not sure we'll ever see true party between desktop apps and mobile apps. The goal for us is to provide a positive experience within each of our apps, taking the platform we are developing for into consideration. There are some things that work and make sense on a desktop platform that may never work or make sense on mobile. That said, I think as far as ability to perform necessary tasks, we've come a long way in terms of mobile. I used iOS as my primary operating system for over two years, only using a Mac occasionally. I really didn't feel hindered in doing that, which I think says a lot for 1Password on iOS and iOS in general. I've now moved back to Mac for my daily driver only because of an internal tool that we've started using that requires a desktop OS.


  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited January 2019


    Thanks. I was thinking the state of the art ARM CPU which Apple uses, the 7 nanometer A12 Bionic is, from the benchmarks, equivalent to a 2013 Mac laptop with Haswell/Broadwell? I've been planning to upgrade and probably by 12 months' time (2020), I will.

    Keep up the good work.

  • I was thinking the state of the art ARM CPU which Apple uses, the 7 nanometer A12 Bionic is, from the benchmarks, equivalent to a 2013 Mac laptop with Haswell/Broadwell?

    That is indeed impressive, but in my opinion it is more the software that is the limiting factor. For example iOS still does not have and may never have multi-user support. This is especially challenging for iPads. But even on iPhones... imagine a world where you could pick up your friend's phone, log in with your Apple ID, and use their phone as if it were yours. Sounds pretty sci-fi, but the technology exists where that could be possible. Mobile won't have parity with desktop until boundaries like this are challenged.

    Keep up the good work.

    Thanks. :)


  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited January 2019

    Android already supports multiple user profiles. Apple has only started Dual SIM support which has been with the other phone makers for ages. Anyway, as we go forward, it will be interesting to see what happens in the years ahead. There is preliminary talk of Apple merging iOS with MacOS. Maybe an ARM based Mac.Microsoft tried with the Surface RT and it failed.

    Multi user support would be very much welcomed in iOS.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I agree. Maybe someday. :)

  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited January 2019

    I have not tried to force 1Password X for Firefox to work with Android but for some things without native support for Android, it can be forced with Desktop mode in Android?

    I really would like to see a more full fledged solution. I am on mobile and then I forget to complete the partial info in Desktop.

    Like the guy hilariously said: “Wow, that workflow is as smooth as the niagara falls.”

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I have not tried to force 1Password X for Firefox to work with Android but for some things without native support for Android, it can be forced with Desktop mode in Android?

    I...don't think you can run the desktop version of Firefox on Android, which is what would be required for 1Password X to work in it.

    I really would like to see a more full fledged solution. I am on mobile and then I forget to complete the partial info in Desktop.

    But as Ben mentioned, we'll see if it's feasible and makes sense to bring more advanced functionality to the mobile apps over time.

    Like the guy hilariously said: “Wow, that workflow is as smooth as the niagara falls.”

    I will admit that I still cannot fathom why he's not saving these as Login items using the desktop app in the first place, since that's what he was using to save the Password items. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • wkleem
    Community Member


    It has emerged that some sites like Waze use a mobile first approach. Some fitness sites too although I have not been into those sites for some time. Maybe that is a potential issue with a desktop approach to 1Password. Still, a minor issue.

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