Installation w/o Triggering Administrator Permissions


I have Windows 7 at work that I want to use to sync with my 1PW for Mac at home. The installation file requires that I enter the Adminstrator password. Since the process for getting a software approved is lengthy, and with 1PW being relatively unknown on Windows, I don't have much hope it will be approved by IT.

There are some SW that I've installed successfully that doesn't trigger Administrator permissions. Can or will 1PW change the installation to allow installation without it trigger Administrator permissions?


  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    I don't know the technical details offhand, @BiomedEngineer‌, but there are certain tasks the installer needs administrator privileges to complete.

    I haven't heard of any strategy by which we expect to be able to change that, any time soon.

    If you're using Dropbox to share and sync your 1Password data among other computers and/or devices, remember that 1PasswordAnywhere gives you read-only access to your 1Password from any computer with an internet connection. Just open the 1Password.html file inside the copy of your .agilekeychain folder that's stored on your private web site.

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