Windows 8 Chrome extension


Whenever I use Chrome in "Windows 8 mode", I can't seem to get the 1password button to work. I'll click it when on a site to log in, but the window doesn't seem to open. Is there anyway to fix this?



  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2014

    As far as I know, @atvunk, 1Password works only in Desktop mode.

    To help clarify, I believe our web site is being updated to say this:

    Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8.x (Windows RT currently not supported)

    ...and the user's guide is being updated to say this:

    1Password for Windows is tested in these operating systems:

    • Windows 8

    • Windows 7

    • Windows XP

    Customers have reported success using 1Password in Windows Vista.


    • The 1Password installer requires “admin” rights to complete the installation, and you may need to restart Windows after installation is complete. (You don’t need to be logged into an account with “admin” rights to use 1Password, though.)

    • 1Password is a Desktop-mode program, not a Metro-mode app.

  • mkrisch
    Community Member

    interestingly, clicking the 1password extension button in chrome in "windows 8 mode" will open the pull down menu on the desktop. i think the issue has to do with the implementation of the extension as a pull down menu. the pocket and evernote extensions work fine in both desktop and windows 8 mode--but those are implemented as nice overlays in the browser.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    If you click on the 1Password button in the Chrome toolbar, the full extension menu appears near the pointer.

    If you press Ctrl+\, though, you might see the full or short menu near the Windows notification area, or 1Password might simply fill the form, depending on how many (0, 1, or more) Login items you've saved that match the current page.

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