Sync using icloud with Windows?



I am not yet a 1Password customer but I am looking for a new better password solution.

I have a Windows Laptop (work), a home iMac, an iPad and an iPhone. I use both iCloud and SugarSync and I am unclear of how to sync my passwords across all 4 devices using iCloud. The only alternative seems to be Dropbox and it seems crazy to have a third cloud storage just for 1Password.

iCloud keychain works OK across my Mac and iOS but it sucks with Windows Internet Explorer (which I have to use on the work laptop).

Also, is it possible to have 1Password change all my passwords to stronger password? Do you have to do a change password & password generator for each account?

Thanks for your help!



  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    and I am unclear of how to sync my passwords across all 4 devices using iCloud

    I'm afraid 1Password for Windows does not support iCloud because Apple does not provide us with an iCloud SDK for Windows developers.

    is it possible to have 1Password change all my passwords to stronger password?

    Assume you have a Microsoft account. You will need to visit the Microsoft web site and change your password. Once you do, 1Password will detect this and prompt this nice window (see below). From here, you can automatically have 1Password update an existing Login item.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited May 2014

    ...and you'll need to repeat that process for each of your Login items, @daveletson‌. There's no way for 1Password to log in to all your accounts around the web and change your passwords for you. In the long run, you probably wouldn't want a program to be able to do that.

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