Does my license for 1Password give me the new Android update?

Community Member

I bought 1Password 4 for Mac and am pretty sure I was supposed to get the updated Android app when it was released, though I purchased it around a year ago.
Version 4.4 (440002)
Agile Web Store

How does this new Android app work with my license?



  • The new Android app does not work with licenses on any of our other platforms. Although we are able to bundle Mac and Windows versions together through our Web Store, we are currently unable to do the same for the mobile versions of 1Password. The Android version of 1Password 4 will be completely free until August 1st. After this the reader functionality will continue to be free and the premium features will require a one-time in-app purchase.

  • kathayes
    Community Member

    So does the new 1Password app that I just downloaded completely replace the old 1Password Reader even if I do not purchase the premium features in August? Do I just delete the 1Password Reader?

  • Yes, we intend for 1Password 4 to completely replace the need for 1Password Reader. We plan to continue to offer the "reader" features of 1Password 4 for free and charge for the premium features as an in-app purchase. You can feel free to delete 1Password Reader at your leisure.

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